Chapter Fifteen

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Jonghyun decided against sharing any information about knowing who the child's father is. Instead he smiled and said,

"Whoever he is, is really really lucky to have you."

Luckily that was enough to satisfy Zin for now. Jonghyun noticed he was the simplest of the children. Though he was the fifth child he sometimes was portrayed as the youngest. He never took charge and was always happy as long as everyone else was happy.

A good kid in Jonghyun's eyes, just like his dad.

He left as he told Sera he would. Even though he was very reluctant to, he did so to keep Sera happy.

She deserves it because her misfortune was his fault, or so that's how he felt.

He walked through his childhood homes front door and announced his presence.

His fathers Louboutin Greggo flats were slapping against the ground.

Jonghyun awaited his loud voice.

"Are you stupid?!" Yells his father as he pushes Jonghyun's shoulders


"Your mother is sick Jonghyun... the business is about to become yours and you're out here disappearing and turning off your phone???"


"It's Jungkook isn't it? That damned boy! He's not good." His father chuckles darkly, "I knew at some point he'd get to you. I just didn't think it'd be now! When everything is so close that—"

"It's not because of Jungkook." Jonghyun calmly says, "I'm 31 dad... I really don't think that Jungkook can influence me. I just simply don't want this. I hate living a life that isn't mine. Do you know Jungkook has already been in love? Do you know he's traveled to places I've only dreamed of? He made friends... good, longterm friends and what do I have?" Jonghyun paused,

"What do I have dad? You? Cause if that's the case I'm screwed."

Jungsu was left speechless. He wasn't hurt, a man like Jungsu doesn't get hurt by trivial things like family and emotions. No, Jungsu was just angry.

"I've already lost your brother to his out of control actions, I will not lose you too Jonghyun. I will kill you before that happens." Jungsu pushed passed his oldest child and slammed the front door behind him.

Jonghyun took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

Only to reopen then when he hears a familiar snicker.

He follows the noise to his parents living room.

There he sees his mother, bundled on the couch with the remote in hand but the tv is black.

'What is she laughing at?' The man wonders as he walks closer to her

"I never thought you'd finally be able to stand up to your papa." She says with another giggle

Jonghyun rolls his eyes and sits beside his frail mother.

"So tell me my boy, where were you and why were you gone?" She asks calmly

"I didn't mean to worry you—"

"Oh I wasn't worried. I think I have an idea of where you were and I also know that you can't tell me...."

Jonghyun pondered her words, he raised an eyebrow and stared at her.

"How do you know?"

"Because once upon a time I was young and I know I'd have done anything to protect my children." She softly says with a smile as she eyes her son.

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