Chapter Twenty-Two

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The night has come and the penthouse is silent. No one has asked of Jonghyun's whereabouts except for Misa, which Jungkook was quick to try and get her mind on something else. Sera was intrigued at how well her children got along with their respective parents. Even Hiro and Taeyong seemed to lighten up on Yoongi and Taehyung.

But after a long and eventful day, Sera has finally gotten all seven of her lovely children to rest and now the only ones who lie awake are the adults.

Well... some of the adults.

Hoseok, Jin, Jimin and Sera only to be exact.

Sera awkwardly sits on the couch while the three men sit on the couch opposite of her.

"You gonna head to bed?" Jin asks softly

"No... no not yet." She answers,
"You guys?"


"I'm sorry." Jimin deadpans while cutting off Hoseok

All eyes on him, he unintentionally begins to shrink.

"Huh?" Sera wonders

"When we last saw you—when I last saw you... it wasn't very um... it wasn't very nice." Jimin says softly

"I appreciate that you revealed yourself to me... but I didn't deserve it... I mean, for the words we used, I would've thought that you'd contact Namjoon or someone else." Hoseok says

"And to think it was all true. I mean you literally came to us and said 'I'm pregnant and I want to raise it with you.' And we just threw your words in the garbage." Jin states sadly as he gazes at his feet

Sera only sadly chuckles, "Boys... I forgave you a long time ago. We were young... scared. I mean can you imagine us trying to raise seven kids?" She smiles

"But you did it." Hoseok states

"Well I had to..." Sera says without a smile, "I didn't have a choice—"

"We shouldn't have had a choice either. I mean fuck Sera... for years we—I hated you. I hated you for dropping that huge bomb and then leaving... I hated you for taking my heart and then ripping it apart. I hated you for being alive and making me love in the first place. I hated you. To find out everything you went through and that I was insensitive to the mother of my child... now I only hate myself." Jimin says

"You guys were young and scared and angry...I understand—"

"But you shouldn't Sera... you shouldn't understand that. Out of anger I called you a whore for sleeping with seven men... and I want to apologize for that. There's no excuse for the words I spoke. We were in love... fuck I never stopped loving you. For gods sake I was so mad that it drove me insane! Mad that I didn't get a chance to make things right before you disappeared! Mad that my last words spoken to you were harsh. I literally drove myself so insane that I ended up in a mental hospital because the idea that you might actually be pregnant when the sole reason we were there in the first place was to break up with you—" Jin immediately gasped and slapped his hands to his mouth

Jimin and Hoseok quickly turned their heads to glance at him shockingly

Sera's eyes widened with surprise.

"What?" Sera whisks out out her mouth, barely audible

"Wait I didn't mean to—Sera we— fuck." Jin says as he sinks into the sofa.

Sera can't quite place her feelings. She's upset but not? It was 10 years ago... she can't be that crushed can she? No... no she can't. But then... why does she feel like she is? Perhaps... does she still have love for the seven men now back in her life? Does she need answers? But what questions would she asks.

"Was I not enough?"


Her eyes shoot towards Hoseok as his face frowns.

She didn't mean to say that out loud.

"Sera we—"

"I—I have some money saved and I think maybe it'd be best if we didn't stay here any longer." She says to Hoseok without eyeing him any longer, "I'll still allow my children to see their fathers but living here isn't practical. You all have a life to return to and such."

"Wait Sera—" Jimin pleads

"No, I think I'll head to bed. Um—goodnight guys." She says with a sad smile before she rushes to the room that holds her children

Once out of sight, Jimin and Hoseok stare darkly at Jin.

He cuddles a couch pillow tightly as he eyes the ground.

"Don't tell the others." He cowardly pleads

"Oh I'm telling." Jimin said rushing off the couch

"No!" Jin whisper yells as Hoseok grabs him to keep him still,

"I cannot fucking believe you." Hoseok hisses


Jonghyun enters his childhood home. The lights are out and the spacious mansion is silent.

Which is not a good sign for dear old Jonghyun.

He places his keys on the small table beside the front door. He slides off his shoes and slowly makes his way throughout the home.

"Dad?" Jonghyun says softly as he rounds the archway that leads into the living room.

No signs of light, still utter darkness.

"Appa?" Jonghyun says softly once more.

His skin is crawling and his muscles are tensing. Due to the verbal and physical abuse dealt only to him by Jungsu... Jonghyun is afraid, terrified, petrified... of the dark.

He flicks the light switch but nothing. No spark, no burst of energy. Just darkness.


He hears his fathers stern tongue. He quickly faces where the voice bounded from.

"Jonghyun, Jonghyun, Jonghyun."

His head turns to his right and then his left and then behind him. And forward again.

How is this possible? It sounds like the man is everywhere.

"Where is mom?" Jonghyun asks trying to hide his trembling voice

"Where's Sera?" He asks

"Appa what have you done to mom?"

Jonghyun hates himself, Appa is the calling he used when he was a child. Dad or father was strong to him... it meant Jungsu had no chains around him.

But Jonghyun was worried. For himself and his mother.

"She's fine Jonghyun. Where's Sera?"

"I don't know appa." Jonghyun says as he unintentionally takes steps backwards

"Wrong answer." Jungsu breathes

Jonghyun turns around startled when he he hears his father behind him but before he can react, Jungsu takes a fist and punches the young man directly in his nose, causing him to pass out.

Jungsu watches his oldest sons body fall to the floor before he takes off his night vision goggles and presses a button on the fireplace that re-lights the home.

He stares at Jungsu's unconscious body before he speaks,

"Men." He says with a bored tone.

Three men stumble into their positions.

"Yes sir!"

"Grab him and take him to the office. I'll be there shortly I have to finish up a meeting."

"Anything else sir?" Says one of the men with blue hair.

"Yes," Jungsu begins as he bends down to push a loose strand of Jonghyun's hair away. "Tell Ja-won to meet us there with his father."

"Yes sir."
**a/n** what do you think will happen next?👀

✔️The Girl From Busan || OT7Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora