Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Taeyong if you don't get up I'm going to tickle your feet." Sara stands at the end of the bed, waiting for her final child to get dressed and in the shower. She wants to get everyone up, fed, and dressed before their fathers wake up.

"Ma, it's like 6:30 in the morning. Wake up the others first." He grumbles

"Taeyong, you're 9–"

"9 and a half."

"So, obey me. Do you want me to turn into mean mom?"

His eyes opened and he stared at his mother.

She cocked an eyebrow and dug her tongue into her cheek as she stared back.

"Fine." He huffs as he throws the blankets off and goes into the ensuite bathroom.

She huffs in relief before she turns and heads out the bedroom once more.

"Everyone got their bags?" She asks as she returns to her many children that are eating either in the kitchen or the living room.

"Yes." They all groan out. Still grumpy from being woken up so early.

"Can we say bye to our dads?" Sula asks as she puts a large spoonful of cereal into her mouth

Sera lightly bites her bottom lip. She didn't want to see their fathers. That's why she decided to leave so early in the first place.

"They leave tomorrow so we'd at least like to say bye." Ji-Han says with a sad expression

"If ma wanted us to say bye then we wouldn't be up at 7 in the morning." Hiro hissed.

The child hates mornings maybe even more than his father.

"N—no Hiro... I wasn't aware they were leaving tomorrow... I will... I will go wake them. You all just finish your food." She says reluctantly

Sera trails over to their side of the penthouse. She tries to decided between waking Jin or Hoseok... but ultimately she passes the stairs and then passes Hoseok's room. Ending up at Jungkook's and Namjoon's.

She knocks softly.

No one answers.

So, she then knocks a bit harder.

"Mm?" She hears someone tiredly grunt

She smiles knowing the sound from anywhere.

"Namjoon? Um—"

The door is ripped open.

"Are you okay? Are the kids good?" He rushes

Sera can't help the smile that forms when she sees his tired eyes and hair placed all over his head.

But then she remembers what Jin said last night.

Unbeknownst to her, Namjoon notices this change and inwardly frowns as well.

'What's wrong?'

He wants to ask but it's not his place to. Though he figures it has to do with whatever Jimin tried to tell him last night.

✔️The Girl From Busan || OT7Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ