Chapter Five

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The clock ticked obnoxiously as Jungkook waited in his fathers office. He couldn't help but watch the clock, annoying move; time seemingly going slow than it needed to.

Finally, the large door behind him opened and the familiar scent of his fathers cologne entered his nose.

He watch his father round the desk before placing his briefcase on it. He sat in his large chair, across from Jungkook.

Jungkook leaned back and his father laced his fingers together on top of his desk.



"Yah!" He raised his hand to warn Jungkook but slightly back off when he realized Jungkook didn't flinch, "What is your problem with me?" The man asked

"Do we have enough time for me to go down the line?"

"Always a smart ass. Can always respond but never listen." His father says

"You think?" Jungkook bates

"I called you here because I want to give you one last chance—"

"Right. One last chance—"

"Jungkook if you don't cooperate, I'm taking your home, the car, and the money. I won't fuel your lifestyle any longer if I don't get anything in return."

Jungkook ponders his fathers words. He had never been given an ultimatum so what was he going to do in this situation.

"Have you told mom? She wouldn't let you—"

"Your mother is sick Jungkook. You'd know that if you ever came to see her."

"Sick with what?" His heart sinks and he leans forward in the chair.

"Jonghyun has been by her side this entire time."

"I'm not Jonghyun."

"Oh I know. You're just like your mother. Always arguing, always talking back." He smiles softly, "But I loved that in your mother. In you? It's a disgrace to the Jeon name."

Jungkook doesn't speak.

"I'll leave you until..." he looks at his calendar on his desk, "Sunday. That gives you five days from today to decide."

Jungkook stands and leaves his fathers office. He couldn't be bothered with the mans words, he needed to see his mother.



"Just push it, Hoseok. It's not touching the end it needs to touch the end!"

"Fuck, Jin I'm trying!" Hoseok huffs out

"Deeper Hoseok! You got this!" Jin cheers

"Fuck!" Hoseok yells as he finally gets Jin's suitcase of clothes to finally fit in the trunk. He had been trying for 15 minutes.

"Thanks friend, all that police work has made you beefy." Jin jokes while Hoseok rolls his eyes before he heads back to the main doors to gather more things.

They had decided to leave for Busan earlier than planned. Hoseok found a lead in the case and Jin wasn't going to let him go alone.

Hoseok picked up the last suitcase and Jin picked up the cooler of food.

"Where are we staying again?" Ask Jin

"My parents." Hoseok answers cooley

"Are they okay with—"

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