The Last Human :- Chapter 12 :- The Battle Begins

Start from the beginning

Each a masterpeice!

They pave the way,

That you may go forth,

Into the gaping maw of destiny,

Knowledgeable in the enemies positions and strengths!

Unmanned and guided by the deathless Hive Mind,

They clear the battlefield fog, so that you may,

Enter battle clear sighted and all knowing! With unparalled clarity!"


Although they,

The vaunted SeaSkimmers,

Are each a masterpeice,

Against you they are nothing!

For you are human, and Alive!!!

Piloting SeaSkimmers that can control them!

As you all know well, unmanned aircraft,

They move only as fast as signals arrive!

They possess their own minds, sure, cunning and ingenious,

But they lack the unpredictability of the true human spirit!"


Your importance!

Your true value,

Lies in your unpredictability!"

Su-lin grimaced with stolid conviction.

She knew the signalling conundrum well.

Hive controlled Seaskimmers possessed a small weakness,

And yet a weakness the enemy could exploit.

The Hive Mind sent its signals to dedicated sattelites,

Then down to the SeaSkimmer- a time lag of microseconds.


Seemingly innocuous,

Micro Time Lag,

Could be very advantageous,

If the enemy's air vehicles,

Were controlled by a nearby human.

For there would be no time lag.

In twenty first century warfare, every microsecond counted.

Thus she was trained specifically to resolve this conundrum.

To think fast. Jump into unmanned SeaSkimmers. To be unpredictable.


Dian pleaded.

"Rage against them!

The hated American idealists,

Extinguish their flame on Indonesia,

Liberate the Tantalum mines they defend!

Tantalum that we need for space colonisation!

Remember The Century Of Humiliation that shamed us,

And begin a new, glorious legacy for your descendants!"

Thus Dians image faded, replaced by the instrumentation before her.


She listened,

As the seconds,

Drew closer to zero,

And wrenched her mind free,

From the terrifying grip of fear,

That threatened to crash over her now.

"Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six." the countdown resounded.

The launching tubes visibly electrified, then shuddered. "Five. Four."

Su-lin steeled her resolve. Bared her teeth. "Three. Two. One."


Young Lucian,

The child Superior,

Awoke, startled, from slumber.

Professor Cranbourne was quickly summoned,

And the esteemed scientist's hasty footsteps,

Were soon heard echoing down the corridor.

When he appeared before the child, Lucian wept.

Lucian; fed copious amounts of emotion supressing drugs,

That was meant to dull his ardour. Lucian lamented.

"The enemy attack! Doomed we are, to suffer ignominous defeat!"


Well hope ya liked that!

Not sure if you all understand the Micro Time Lagthing I mentioned so I shall extrapolate more on this now!

So in a future air battle, it won't be one pilot in one plane fighting another pilot in one plane. It will be one pilot with multiple unmanned planes fighting another pilot with multiple unmanned planes!

So I guess picture a video game where you are in a plane flying itself. Kinda like autopilot, and all your multiple planes around you are there to protect you from harm. You can jump into any of your unmanned planes around you, and with virtual reality can remotely control it to do your bidding!!!!

Thus a future air battle will involve you and the enemy "jumping" from plane to plane trying to destroy your enemy while still keep enough planes to ensure your own protection!

I feel this scenario makes realistic sense because planes remotely controlled from a distance by say a human in America, has to use sattelites to send signals to move. Not only does this mean there is a micro second time lag that a closer enemy human controller can take advantage of, but it opens you up to your signals getting hacked and you losing control of your own planes!

So to me it makes sense to have your human remote control operator as close as possible to the action! The signal distances are much shorter and virtually instantaneous, and it's harder for a hacker to hack your planes!!!!

So yeah thats what I believe future air battles will be like...... a computer game lol! So if any of you are thinking of joining the air force, be ready for this type of combat:)

Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter and understand the intricacies of 21st century aerial warfare!!!!

It's extremely difficult to describe a future battle using this strict structure I am using! I wonder if it is getting too indepth really, and that the breif overviews I had been doing earlier on in this story work better than an indepth portrayal of the battle!!!!

I am realising just how complex future wars will be, what with the usual land sea and air arms being intermingled (as 3D battles are already complex today) then add the hackers and space, not to mention one sidegenetically engineeredand the other siderobotically engineered......woah my mind hurts really! Should I continue or just give breif overviews?

Please tell me, I need to know so I can really make this story work!!!! Cheers!

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