|Kakucho|- - *AFRAID*

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Bonten kakucho.

Angst. 😊

Dedicated to:
-girl dont sell your sister please❤️🤣


We tend to attract what we fear..

Im afraid to lose him.

I dont wanna live without him.

Being his girlfriend and the only girl he laid his eyes on makes you feel so special.

Kakucho is the type of guy who isn't interested in women at all but you manage to get his attention.

He is quite a snob and he would always ignore you most of the time but you would always think positively and didn't make it a big deal. Its his personality anyways i cant do anything about it.

"Hon, im going home first" you said while sitting beside him on the sofa. It was a private room for bonten members to hang out with.

You alwyas cared for kakuvho and always cheerful and talkative whenever you were with him. I always do the talking.

Ran and Rindou were sitting next to kakucho while koko was taking countless calls and never giving a shit about anyone inside the room.

Mikey and the others were on the way to kill someone again together with takeomi.

Kakucho didn't respond and continue to ignore you while reading a text msg.

Sometimes it hurts your feelings that he is being like this and wanted to end your relationship with him. But, everytime you think of ending things.. You always failed cause you realize that you love him so much.

After heading home and arriving at your apartment, you drank a cup of tea before going to bed and getting some rest.

A loud sound of thunder woke you up.

You slide your hands to the space next to you but didn't find kakucho. I wonder what time is it.

Its 3:00am in the morning.

You lazily stood up to go to the kitchen and get a glass of water while dialing kakucho's phone number.

Your grip on the glass cup tighten when you heard a female voice answered the call. Who the fuck is she. What the fuck is going on!?

You put the glasses down and inhale some air before answering back.

"This is his friend YN, where is he?" your voice is a bit shaky and you already have an idea of what they did. Kakucho is not the person who wont come home unless he have a mission and task.

"He is asleep beside me, i can wake him up if its urgent" she said and you greeted your teeth while you felt sudden pain in your chest.

"No its not, just tell him his girlfriend was looking for him and getting worried, tell him to come home after he wakes up." you said trying to control your tears from falling and your voice from shaking.

"oh, he has a girlfriend?! . I guess he lied last night when he said he was single." she said acting suprise then you hung up the call, you were too pissed and don't wanna hear any of it.

You feared of losing kakucho and the relationship. He is all i have.

You were too dependent on him and almost give your all to this relationship that's why you cant let him go.

Tokyo Revengers [One shot Story] ~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن