"Are you defining me?" He questions, he rounds the corner of his desk walking In front of me.

"Oh no! I'm so scared." I whine sarcastically, with that he wrapped his hands around my neck.

That death sentence looking real short right now.

I grabbed the envelope opener off his desk, holding it to his neck.

"You will work with him, if you fuck this deal up for me, say goodbye to your mother." I bit the inside of my cheek, my anger ready to burst in a second.

"I'll kill you." I threaten, black spots cover my vision nearly ready to pass out.

I cute his wrist, making him drop his grip. Taking a deep breath I locked eyes with my father, every single thing he's done to me flash through me.

"So help me god, if I find a mark on my mother. Mark my words, I'll paint the city red with your legacy burning to the ground." I laughed at the thought.

Just the thought of his legacy going into ash, his face falters. He cares about this business more than his children, it's nice to know where I stand.

Without another word, I walked out of his office holding my neck, already feeling a bruise forming on my neck.

As the door open, my family all scattered like roaches away from the door.

I walked over to my mother, her watery eyes looking at the noticeable handprints on my neck.

"Stella-" a sob broke out, pulling her into a hug. I could feel fathers anger gaze on my back.

"Soon, your gonna be free soon," I whispered, a plan already burning into my head.

She smiled at me, her eyes looked like she lost all hope. And I despise that.

I moved away from her touch, my heart already clinging just from moving away from her. I'm trying to picture everything is gonna be okay but, if anything happens to my mother I don't think I can control this anger anymore.

As I turn toward the door, my eyes rest on his blue ones. He must have stayed to gloat, knowing he getting what he wants. Me broken.

"What else do you want?" I stepped towards him, he looks at me with hooded eyes.

"I have no clue what you mean, darling." I let out a scoffed shaking my head.

"Don't play stupid." I gritted, Spencer placed a hand on my shoulder, I shrug her off.

"I'm already playing this game with you, what do you want." I raised my voice, I could feel an uncomfortable lump in my throat.

He stepped closer, I raised my hand to hit him, which backfired on me because he grabbed it holding it tight.

"I want a lot of things." Amusement filled his eyes as he steps closer, I clenched my shaky hands my head was pounding.

"Take another step, and I Can't be held responsible for my actions," I say, he tiled his head to the side, sizing me up.

My brain rushed in a million ways trying to figure out what his plans are, I knew from the beginning as soon as he made the partnership with my father he's up to something.

it ends with augustWhere stories live. Discover now