36. I'll See You

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"Byeol you sure you're okay." Byeol asked Taehyun to accompany her to Beomgyu's house, but eventually decided to hide behind a tree near Beomgyu's house and watch Beomgyu leave.

She promised Beomgyu's mom not to disturb Beomgyu. And she doesn't want to disappoint Beomgyu's mom. "I'm fine Taehyun" Said Byeol calmly, until her eyes are turned when she saw Beomgyu out of his house and walking towards the car with a sad expression, lowering his head.

Byeol who saw Beomgyu sad, it also made him so sad. When Beomgyu's car started to move away. Without realizing it, Byeol started running after that car. Taehyun who panicked saw her right away follow Byeol.

"Byeol stop." Taehyun who caught Byeol's hand stopped her from chasing the car. "He must be back again."

Byeol nodded her head, she saw the car slowly disappearing in the distance. She continued to stare at the car and hold onto the book that Beomgyu had given her for her birthday when they first met.

"We'd better go home." Taehyun pulled Byeol's hand and took her home, because soon he and Yeonjun will have to leave too.

Once at home, they are immediately welcomed by their families who are ready to leave. There they met Kai too.

"Kai you are here?" Taehyun approached Kai as soon as he saw him.

"Yes, I went to Beomgyu's house before I got here. Did you just come from Beomgyu's house?" Taehyun nodded his head in response to Kai's question.

Hearing Taehyun's voice, Yeonjun came out of the house. And immediately approached hid sister. "Byeolie are you okay? Taehyun-ah what's going on in there?" Yeonjun asked to see his sad sister.

Taehyun can't answer Yeonjun's question. He didn't want to tell Yeonjun what really happened. Yeonjun might be angry if he knew what Beomgyu's mom had told Byeol the day before they left.

"Don't be sad Byolie, if you're sad how can I go?" Yeonjun wasn't calm to see his sister sad after seeing Beomgyu go, she must have been sadder when he and Taehyun were going to leave too.

"I don't want to lie if I'm okay, but you don't have to worry about me, Oppa."

"All right, Byeolie. Oh, yeah. I want you to keep this." Yeonjun hands away his favorite little doll to Byeol.

"But oppa, isn't this your precious?"

"That's why I want you to keep it, that doll has always accompanied me when I'm alone. Now I want it to accompany you."

Byeol can't say anything but hug the doll that Yeonjun gave her.

"Kids, time to go." said eonjun's mother, signaling that it was time for yeonjun and taehyun to leave.

"Byeolie, I will be back soon, after everything there is finished." Byeol's dad promised her.

"Jung Byeol, I think it's time." Taehyun grabbed Byeol's hands and hugged her before he got into the car.

Yeonjun also hugged his sister for the last time. "Byeolie, wait for me to come home. Kai please take care of him for me." Yeonjun looked at Kai who wad standing next to Byeol, after Kai nodded his head in response, Yeonjun got in the car.

Right before the car left Soobin ran out of the house to say goodbye. "Yeonjun, Taehyun see you guys later."

Taehyun and Yeonjun looked out the window and waved to their friends. They keep looking at their friends until they can no longer see them from a distance.

"Soobin hyung, aren't you leaving today too?"

"Yes Kai, we're leaving this afternoon. I'm just finishing packing." Soobin immediately turned his gaze to the silent Byeol looking in the direction of an empty road.

"Byeol-ah" said Soobin softly, making Byeol turn her eyes away from that empty road. "Grandma called us in. Kai you're coming with us."

By the afternoon of Soobin's departure, Byeol was feeling a little better. After Yeonjun and Taehyun left, Kai kept her company, making sure she didn't feel sad.

Seeing Kai so attentive to Byeol and his way that made Byeol can stop grieving. Making Soobin feel better, he's sure Kai can take care of Byeol while he's gone.

"Byeol-ah, Kai-ah I'm leaving now."

"Binnie oppa, be careful." Byeol said goodbye, not forgetting to be sure to smile.

Soobin quickly got into the car. He looked down at Byeol and Kai for the last time. "Wait for me." Soobin said before the car started running.

"I'll wait for Binnie oppa, I'll wait for you all to come back." Said Byeol who tried to hold her tears.

Kai who saw it, pat Byeol on the shoulder to calm her down. "Let's wait for them together."


As promised, Kai always accompanies Byeol. Every morning he'll pick her up to go to school together. Even in school kai always tried to be near Byeol.

"Byeol, let's go home." Kai called Byeol who just finished packing her book into his bag and getting ready to get out of her class. Since they're not in the same class, Kai always wait for Byeol outside of Byeol's class.

When Byeol was about to go to Kai, she could hear her classmates whispering to each other about her and Kai.

"Hey, look, the boyfriend's here."

"Yes you're right, they're always together."

"I don't like to see her always smiling at anyone. She's like that to look good in front of everyone."

"She also likes to get the attention of teachers, teachers and other people, although she is smart and is at the top of his class. She thinks she's great."

"She's always acting too friendly with anyone."

"But that Kai boy, he was so cool, he never talked to anyone else. He only talk to her."

Byeol tried not to ignore the words she heard, she was getting used to the things her classmates were talking about. Byeol took Kai home soon. "Come Kai let's go home."

"Byeol, why have you been so quiet? Is there something bothering you at school?"

"No kai, it's just that I haven't heard from them. Even Yeonjun oppa can't be reached. I tried to call dad, but he always said everything was fine."

It's been months since they left. Byeol hasn't heard from any her brother and friends. But what made her more anxious was that she could't contact Yeonjun. Yeonjun seems to have disappeared without a trace. Every time she asked her parents about Yeonjun, they tell her he's fine without any clear explanation.

"You don't have to worry, if your dad says Yeonjun hyung is fine, then you should trust your dad. And the others might be busy with their activities there. Don't think negative first."

"But Kai, I feel there's something they're keeping from me."

"That's just how you feel because you miss them so much."

"You're right Kai, maybe it's just my feeling."

"Byeol, it's summer time next week. How about we go to the amusement park? Will you come with me?" Kai who saw a sad and uneasy Byeol trying to comfort her.

"Of course Kai." Byeol tried to smile, she didn't want her friend to see her sad. Because she promised to stay a happy Byeol.

Despite the fact that in her heart she was very sad. Because this summer she can't be with the others. Although Byeol is very grateful because Kai still with her but she still misses the others. She already got used to spend the summer with her friends. But this summer, it was her first without her friends.

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