33. The Crybaby

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Byeol woke up with the rest of the dry tears around his eyes from crying all night. She's sad to be separated from her brother and her friend. But it was their parents' decision, she couldn't do anything.

Not wanting to keep crying in his room, Byeol decided to go see Beomgyu and Kai. He quickly got out of bed and took a shower. After finishing the bath, Byeol went down to the kitchen, while in the kitchen she heard Yeonjun's mom talking to grandma.

"Aunt, what I heard about Beomgyu's family is true?"

"You mean about those who will also move from here? That's right, Beomgyu's dad should help Yoongi take care of their company in another city."

When Byeol heard Grandma's words, he was so surprised, he didn't expect Beomgyu to leave either. Without a second thought, Byeol went straight to Beomgyu's house to make sure.

Taehyun who had just come out of his room saw Byeol who went out of the house in a hurry, ran straight after Byeol and followed her from behind.

As soon as Byeol arrived at Beomgyu's house, Byeol saw a big car and some people were busy putting stuff in it. Byeol saw Beomgyu's mother standing by the door and  approached him immediately. "Good afternoon, aunt Yuna."

"Byeol, why are you here?" Beomgyu's mom seemed surprised to see Byeol at her house.

"Is it true you're moving out? May I meet Beomgyu?"

"Beomgyu is not home. He went out." Beomgyu's mother saw the expression of byeol that looked so sad, she couldn't bring herself to say it, but she had to. "Byeol, can I ask you a favor?"

The innocent Byeol immediately nodded her head without hesitation." What can I do for aunt?"

"Please don't disturb Beomgyu again."

Byeol was surprised by what Beomgyu's mother just said. "What do you mean, I don't understand."

"Actually, one of the reasons we moved was to Beomgyu's health. You know, I hope for a while that Beomgyu will not be disturbed so that he can get better soon."

Byeol lowered her head after hearing Beomgyu's mom's explanation. It was sad to accept it, but again she felt utterly helpless. "All right, I got it. I'll be going home, Aunt."

"Thank you Byeol." Beomgyu's mother saw Byeol leave her house sad. She really couldn't stand to see Byeol like that, but she had no choice for her son.

Byeol immediately left Beomgyu's house. She can't hold back her tears anymore. At that moment she just wanted to go anywhere where others couldn't find her and cry his heart out. Her legs moved on, until she felt she could no longer walk. She looked around and found a bus stop. Byeol decided to sit at that bus stop.

"Byoel..." Byeol heard someone calling her name softly, then she found Taehyun sitting next to her.

"Taehyun, how did you get here?"

"I'm worried about you idiot, you suddenly run out of the house, of course I'm worried and follow you."


Taehyun was shocked to see Byeol crying so loudly all of a sudden. "Hey why do you always cry like this whenever you're with me? I never saw you cry with the others?"

"Gyu... Gyu too, Taehyun..." Byeol choked with tears.

"I already know Byeol." Taehyun patted Byeol on the back slowly trying to calm her down. And wait for her to stop crying. After a while, Byeol finally stopped crying. "Feel better?"

Byeol nodded his head slowly, Taehyun then took both of Byeol's hands and gazed softly at her face. "I know you're very sad about all this. I didn't want this to happen either. All I can say now is just wait for us to get back. And in the meantime, promise to stay as happy and cheerful as you were when we were together. I won't be gone long."

Byeol tried to smile at the word of Taehyun. "Promise?" Byeol lifted her little finger asking Taehyun to make a pinky appointment with her.

Taehyun without a doubt tied his pinkie finger to Byeol, "I promise." Taehyun then remembered something he had given Byeol. "Byeol, do you still have the book I gave you?"

"The red book? Of course I keep it very well. I haven't even used it yet."

"While I'm gone, use that book to write down whatever you want to say to me when you want to talk to me or when you miss me."

"Then I'll write it often, because I'll miss you so much." Said Byeol smiling, without her realizing it made Taehyun a little blush.

"Let's go home before the others worry because you're not home." Taehyun stood up and reached out to Byeol and was greeted by Byeol without a doubt.

They left the bus stop holding hands. Without them knowing that the others were worried about finding them.

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