14. The Angry Deer

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I saw the light in front of me. That light is so beautiful.

"It was mine...  Only mine... I won't let anyone take it from me...."

I walked towards the light, trying to reach it. When I reached for it and held it, it just shattered into a thousand pieces. To see the emptiness in my palm. My head suddenly hurts and my throat felt tight .

Yeonjun woke from his dream, raised his hand and looked at his empty hand. Suddenly his head started to hurt again. Yeonjun quickly took his little doll, holding it firmly and embracing it. And slowly the pain began to ease.

"My precious..." said Yeonjun slowly still holding his doll tight.

Arriving in his class. Yeonjun placed his bag on his desk and then walked up to the students who were swarmed him yesterday. "Which one of you dare to touch my stuff?"

The students pretended like they didn't understand what Yeonjun was asking and they tried to ignore him. But Yeonjun did not have the patience to wait for them to admit it. Yeonjun pulled up one of the students' collar and was about to beat him. But the other kids beat him up and held his hand. Yeonjun is not that easy to stop, he encourages the student who holds his hand. And that's where their fight started. Until a teacher came to break up their fight.

"You guys, what have you got to do? It's so early and you've been fighting?" The teacher who broke up the fight earlier took them to the principal office and started yelling at them. "And you, Choi Yeonjun, you recently moved here and today you've been in a fight."

"I just asked them, but they ignored me and then suddenly attacked me, of course I fought back." Yeonjun responded calmly, explaining to the teacher what had happened to him.

"Not true Mr. Kwon, he hit first." one of the students involved in the fight tried to defend himself. But that only made Mr. Kwon more angry and yell at them. "Stop making excuses."

"What is this? So noisy early in the morning." the principal who just came out of his room approached Mr. Kwon and saw some students in front of him. "Aigo... Aren't you Choi Yeonjun, Mrs. Kang Sojung's son? How's mom?" The principal immediately greeted Yeonjun when he recognized him. "She has been a great help in the progress of the school, send her my regards and thanks" he continued.

"I'll give her your message, Mr. Kim. But I don't know how my mom would react if she saw me like this. Maybe she'll find another school."

At the sound of Yeonjun's words, Mr. Kim's reaction immediately panicked. "What are these kids doing ? How dare you bothering Yeonjun? Apologize quickly, or I'll suspend you." Mr. Kim is pressuring the students to apologize to Yeonjun.

The students had no choice but to apologize to Yeonjun. "Forgive us."

"That's better. Yeonjun is anything hurt? Should we take him to the hospital to check on you."

When Yeonjun was about to answer, suddenly there was a knock on the door of the room and when it opened Taehyun was standing at the door. "Excuse me Mr. Kim, I'm here to pick up Yeonjun hyung."

"Ah... Kang Taehyun, our pride student, you're here to pick up your cousin? Well, beside being smart, you're also a good brother."

"I also want to apologize for the commotion Mr. Kim, Yeonjun hyung is not familiar with the new environment here."

"Ah... You don't have to apologize, I understand Yeonjun's condition, but these students there are the wrong ones." Mr. Kim said with a glare at the students who fighting with Yeonjun earlier.

"Well Sir, if you'll excuse us, then. Let's go hyung." Taehyun took Yeonjun out of the room and bring him to the cafeteria.

"You sit here hyung, let me get you something to eat." Taehyun told Yeonjun to sit down and go to buy their food. Soon Taehyun returned with two tray food. And sit directly in front of Yeonjun.

"You treat me like a baby." Yeonjun complained about Taehyun's treatment while taking food away from him. When Yeonjun went to eat his meal, he noticed that someone was looking for a seat. "Hey, here" Yeonjun shouted as he waved his hand. That person see Yeonjun and walked over to Yeonjun and Taehyun's table.

"Can I eat here?" Yeonjun nodded his head and the person sat down at their table. "All right, thanks."

As she sat down, she noticed Taehyun was sitting on the other side. "Taehyun? did you also eat here?" Taehyun who heard the sound was shocked and nearly choked. He turned and saw Byeol sitting right across from him.

Yeonjun asked them if they knew each other. But Taehyun didn't answer and continued to eat. "We were classmates." Byeol answered before her begins her meal.

"Hyung I had finished, I go first, I have something to do." Taehyun suddenly got out of his seat and quickly left, making Yeonjun confused about what he was doing.

"What's wrong with that kid? Is he always like this in class?" Yeonjun asked Byeol, who was also surprised by Taehyun, who suddenly left.

"I don't really know, because I'm new to this school. I moved to this school about a month ago."

"You're a new student, too? Then we're the same." Byeol only answered Yeonjun with a nod and kept eating her meal. "By the way, I didn't get a chance to thank you for helping me yesterday."

"It's ok, I just want to help you. That's it." Byeol leisurely answers with a mouth still full of food. Suddenly making Yeonjun laugh at her act.

But there are words of Byeol that stick in Yeonjun's mind. People have been afraid to approach him, and no one has ever offered to help him. He's been alone all this time. But Byeol, she's helped out even without being asked. "What's your name? I don't know your name."

"My name is Jung Byeol, call me Byeol" answered Byeol after swallowing food that's still in her mouth.

Looking at her act, it made Yeonjun unable to stop laughing. But Byeol doesn't seem to care and goes on eating. "My name is Choi Yeonjun." Byeol back nodded her head, she seemed to enjoy her meal so much. Yeonjun can only smile to see Byeol. And suddenly he remembered something that made him curious. "Byeol, why don't you look scared of me? Even though the other kids were afraid to come near me?"

Hearing Yeonjun's question, Byeol stopped eating and looked at Yeonjun in confusion. "Why should I fear you?" Byeol is back on its meal. But then she stopped and put down the spoon she was holding. "You were a little scary at first. Like a deer ready to ram whoever's near it. But after all, you're not a bad person. So there's no reason to fear you."

Yeonjun burst out laughing with the answers he got from Byeol. The sound of laughing so loud that everyone in the room was staring at them. "I've never heard an answer like that before. A deer, you say? Do I look like that to you?" Yeonjun continues to laugh, not caring for the surroundings.

He's met people like Byeol for the first time. He thought only Taehyun could comfort him. Yeonjun never thought of the girl he thought was strange at first, but turned out to be a good, innocent girl.

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