16. Magic Song

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"Byeol, since when you're close with Yeonjun hyung?"

Byeol was silent with the question Taehyun asked qll of a sudden. "I'm just curious because the Yeonjun hyung I know is hard to get close to and had a little temper."

"He's nice to me. I was going to ask you then, Why is it like you're avoiding yeonjun? Aren't you guys Cousins?"

Taehyun stayed quiet for a while, hesitating to answer it. Seeing Byeol's expression so seriously makes him not sure to answer. "I'm not avoiding him, I just... because you were there... I..." Taehyun couldn't finish his sentence, he was confused what to say to Byeol.

Seeing Taehyun's behavior and expression like that makes Byeol feel sad and disappointed. "Me?Why is that because of me? You don't like me being around you?"

"No, that's not what I mean, I just..." Taehyun stayed silent again, not knowing how to finisho his words. Byeol was just gonna get up of her seat and try to leave.

'Good Kang Taehyun, you're ruining it again.' Taehyun grumbled in his heart and tried to hold Byeol's hand so she's not leave. "Byeol don't go, listen to me first."

"Listen, this is not easy for me to say it. I was avoiding you because I have a reason I can't tell you yet. And also when you're near Yeonjun hyung, I feel like he's closer to you than me." Taehyun closed his eyes, trying to think about what else was the reason he's avoiding Byeol.

"And somehow when I'm with you, I've felt like I become another person I've been hiding inside myself. I've always tried to do my best, because I was being told that I have to be perfect, but when I was with you, I felt a little free and thought it was okay to be imperfect, but..." Tears flowed from Taehyun's eyes without him realizing, then he began to feel pain in his eyes. Taehyun was confused as to why the pain felt when he wasn't dreaming.

Taehyun closed his eyes and lowered his head, trying to stop the tears from flowing and holding the pain in his eyes. Until he heard the sound of singing. Taehyun suddenly opened his eyes, he saw Byeol holding his hand tightly while singing that song. The same song she sang on the bus. After hearing Byeol sing, Taehyun was really impressed this time. His eyes don't hurt anymore. The pain slowly disappeared, Taehyun even felt a sense of relief inside him.

"What are you doing to me, Byeol? Are you doing magic?" Taehyun said it unconsciously, very impressed by what Byeol had done to him.

Byeol's smiling again, she doesn't look sad anymore. "It's not magic, Taehyun. It's just a song I used to sing when I was scared and worried." Seeing Taehyun calm down, Byeol slowly took off her hand. "Are you feeling better?" Taehyun nodded his head to answer the question from Byeol. Byeol feels relieved.

"If that's the problem, you don't have to be afraid, Yeonjun will never change. And one more thing, whatever or whoever you are, it doesn't matter to me. I'll still be your friend, Taehyun."

Taehyun was very impressed with what Byeol said. Seeing the smile and the eyes of Byeol so sincerely. Makes Taehyun want to believe all the words Byeol said. He really feels safe and comfortable being near Byeol. All the pain is gone. It's replaced by a warm feeling.


Taehyun is no longer avoiding Byeol, they became friends, a close friend. Yeonjun is also happy to see Taehyun and Byeol get close. And the three of them were always together at school.

But Yeonjun and Taehyun realized all the students were looking at them with a cynical stare and start talking about the three of them. Yeonjun and Taehyun don't care what other students do to them. But if they hear or see the students do or talk bad about Byeol. Yeonjun and Taehyun will not be reluctant to teach them a lesson in their own special way.

"Yeonjun oppa, why did you throw that student with a box of milk. She cried because her clothes got dirty." Byeol just arrived at the cafeteria and she saw Yeonjun throwing a student with a box of milk, she didn't like to see Yeonjun who liked to annoyed other students. Because Byeol is feeling sorry for that students.

"I just don't like to see her. She deserved it anyway." Yeonjun answers Byeol's question with ease.

Yeonjun not explain the real reasons to Byeol. That the student who he's just thrown with the milk is trying to bully Byeol. She was hiding behind the cafeteria's door and when she saw Byeol she was gonna throw Byeol with the rest of the food on the plate she hold. But unfortunately, before she had managed to throw the rest of the food, Yeonjun saw that and threw her with milk which actually he want to give to Byeol. So her whole clothes and face was covered by milk.

"It's not even a reason. Don't you feel sorry for her?" Byeol pouted her lips are still upset with Yeonjun.

Yeonjun pulled Byeol's hand and make her sit beside him. Yeonjun could only smile to see Byeol's upset. "Not everyone in this world we can feel sorry for, Byeolie."

"Hyung, what's going on? I just saw a girl ran away with milk covered in her out of here?" Taehyun who just arrived in the cafeteria come to the table where Yeonjun and Byeol.

"Just the usual stuff Taehyun-ah." hear the answer of Yeonjun, Taehyun immediately understand what had happened and nodded his head. "Where have you been?"

"I was in principal office, there's things that I have to take care of it." When Taehyun was about to sit down, suddenly a student entered to the cafeteria and directly came to Taehyun.

"Yah... Kang Taehyun what are you doing? Why the sudden Mr. Lee get me out of basketball club?" The boy was so angry and wanted to pull Taehyun's collar, but his hand was held back by Yeonjun and Yeonjun threw him to the floor.

Yeonjun's fist ready to hit the student. But Taehyun stop him, he gave a sign to Yeonjun that he could finish it by himself. Taehyun walk to that students, extends his hand helps the students  to stand up.

"I don't do anything. I'm just saying I'm willing to join the basketball club he's ever offer me."

"But why does it have to be me?" the student screaming in front of Taehyun. Taehyun remain calm face that he walks up to the student. Bring his face to the student's ear and whispered something.

"Don't think I don't know how you could get into the club. From now on don't you dare interfere with Jung Byeol. Or you will feel much worse than this." Taehyun smiled at the student. The student began to look frightened and immediately ran away from taehyun and out of the cafeteria.

"What's wrong with you two today. First Yeonjun oppa throwa student with milk and now Taehyun almost fighting with someone. Why you can't be nice to someone else?" Byeol who had seen what was happening. Scolding Yeonjun and Taehyun for what they did to the other students.

Byeol didn't know that Yeonjun and Taehyun trying to protect her from students who didn't like her because she's friends with Yeonjun and Taehyun. Other students who saw Byeol be close to Yeonjun and Taehyun, making them hate Byeol and intend to interfere with Byeol. But they forget that Yeonjun and Taehyun not gonna let that happen.

Yeonjun and Taehyun just smiled and back in their seats while looking at Byeol.

"You are too kind, Byeol..."

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