15. The Tsundere Owl

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After that day, Yeonjun got used to the presence of Byeol nearby. He even waits for Byeol every lunch hour at the cafeteria.

But not with Taehyun, he doesn't like the change of attitude of his cousin very much. Taehyun feels Yeonjun is getting closer to Byeol than him. And Taehyun hasn't even made up with Byeol after their conversation in the school park back then. It makes Taehyun more uncomfortable. So sometimes he has to make excuses to Yeonjun to avoid meeting Byeol.

Until Taehyun finally decided to fix his relationship with Byeol. He doesn't want to keep avoiding Byeol or can he say he is can no longer make excuses on Yeonjun.

"Byeol" Taehyun called Byeol who was ready to leave class and go home. Heard Taehyun call her, she turned to Taehyun. Taehyun came to Byeol rubbing the back of his head and after taking a long breath, "Byeol, do you have a time today?" Taehyun finally dared himself to say that.

Taehyun turned his face away. He didn't dare to see Byeol's face, but he can see the expression of Byeol that's confused with the question.

"Don't get me wrong, I just wanted to thank you for being my partner." Taehyun tried to explain to Byeol the order there was no misunderstanding. But Byeol laughed at Taehyun's nervous behavior. It made Taehyun upset and chose to leave Byeol who was still laughing.

"Hey Kang Taehyun wait for me." Byeol tried to chase Taehyun. But Taehyun kept running regardless Byeol kept running after him. Until Taehyun felt something pulling his backpack, made Taehyun stop and almost fell back. Taehyun looked back, where Byeol grabbed his backpack and held it tight with her panting breath after running. "I said wait, why don't you stop?"

"You're not quite happy laughing at me." Taehyun answered, pulling his back pocket still held by Byeol.

"Where are we going?"

"Where do you mean?" Taehyun pretended not to understand the question Byeol asked.

"Okay, I'll go home now." Byeol pouted her lips, it seemed clear she was disappointed and tried to leave.

Seeing Byeol so disappointed, Taehyun felt guilty again. He walked up to Byeol, "Come on, don't be to slow or I'll leave you." the disappointed expression on Byeol's face turned into a smile. And Byeol was so excited to follow Taehyun from behind.

"The bus is here." Taehyun pointed to the bus that would stop at the bus stop where they were waiting. Byeol and Taehyun took that bus.

"Where will we go?" Taehyun still doesn't answer what Byeol asked, he keeps staring at the bus window. "I didn't know you could go out, as far as I can remember every day after school if there wasn't an extra class or a science project you'd have to go to the course."

"I'm getting free time from my parents because of a scientific project yesterday." This time Taehyun decided to answer Byeol's question. He took his eyes off the window and looked at Byeol.

"Really? You must be so happy?" Byeol seemed so happy to hear what Taehyun said.

"I don't know." Taehyun sighed before he went on. "I usually take this bus to go to the course, every I've been on this bus, sometimes I think about going somewhere else besides the course, but I'm too afraid to do that, even now I'm not sure if I can go anywhere I want to go." Taehyun without realizing it, telling Byeol, the doubts and desires he's been covering up.

Taehyun never told anyone this. Because he never felt safe to tell about that. But something with Byeol is making Taehyun feels safe. Despite the fact that he still feels afraid that Byeol will think strange things about him. Taehyun lowered his head, dared not see the expression on Byeol's face. But Byeol's hand suddenly grabbed Taehyun's hand. And then Taehyun heard Byeol sing a song. Taehyun was surprised at first by what Byeol did. But hear the singing voice with Byeol holding his hand, all his fear and anxiety was as if gone.

Taehyun finally lift his head and looking at Byeol, she closed her eyes when she sings, her expression so quiet and when she's done singing she opened her eyes. Byeol looking at Taehyun and smile, smile that's so soothing. "Let's go together." Byeol's screaming with joy, made Taehyun surprised. It's a goid thing, the bus is quiet, otherwise people would look at them.

"Do you need to yell like that." Taehyun just pulled his hands which still held by Byeol. Byeol only answer with a smile that linger on her face.

They ended up on the last bus stop. At first Taehyun was unsure about going out, but Byeol pulled his hand out and when Taehyun looked toward her, she gave the look that convinced him to go out.

When they off the bus, Taehyun was so surprised to see around him. It's the one he had never been to, a place that so strange to him.

"Where are we?" that words just come out of Taehyun's mouth, aware that he also doesn't know where they are. 'How can I bring someone without knowing where the destination is? How about we lost? Why do I have a mind to take Byeol to this place in the first place?' that question revolve in the Taehyun's head which keeps him from moving from where he stands.

"Let's just go there." Byeol pointing at a billboard in front of them. And Byeol just grabbed Taehyun's hand to go together.

Along the way, Byeol hold hands with Taehyun, while occasionally she ask someone she met. She's like asking questions about the location of a place.

"Hey Jung Byeol." Taehyun called Byeol but Byeol only answer with hummed as she kept trying to ask for directions to destination. "Why do you keep holding my hand?"

Byeol this time turned to the Taehyun and she simply replied, "So you don't get lost." and back busy looking for directions sign.

They finally arrived in a river that has the beautiful park on its side and there's an overpass above the river. Byeol took Taehyun to sit in the park in the river's side. "What about this place? Great right?"

Taehyun's jaws drop with the view in front of him. His feeling is suddenly be happy to see the beautiful scenery. Until without him knowing he start to running around the park, enjoy the breeze from the river and flowers petals that blew away, blown by wind. Taehyun don't think he've ever felt so free.

Taehyun then turned to Byeol that was scribbled in a book as if were drawing something. Taehyun slowly to get close to her and take the book that is being held by Byeol.

"What are you drawing, let me see." Taehyun looking at pictures made by Byeol and trying to understand what that picture is.

"What the hell is this? it looks like a bird but it looks strange? Is the bird smiling?" Taehyun comment on pictures Byeol made, a picture of the view but instead chose to draw a person Byeol draw a bird on the other end smiling just to be in that scene.

"That's an owl." Byeol replied resentfully, still trying to take the book from Taehyun but still failed. "The owl are drawn is that you Taehyun." Taehyun was confused with Byeol's words. Seeing a chance, Byeol take the book from Taehyun.

"Me? That's me? Since when I look like an owl?" Taehyun protest and pissed off at Byeol, he did not believe Byeol compared him with an owl.

Byeol put the book on the side of Taehyun's face while comparing Taehyun's face with the draw that she made. "I got to admit, I'm not a painter. But the owl in this picture really looks like you. You who felt free and happy today."

Hearing Byeol'sl's words, he realized that he was free and happy at the time. "But why an owl?" Taehyun still don't understand why from lots of birds Byeol to choose an owl.

"You don't know? In mythology, the owl was representing the intelligence policy and magic. I feel that suitable for you." Byeol said with a sweet smile on her face.

At first Taehyun was upset because he is equated with an owl. But looking at Byeol's smile, Taehyun is no longer feel upset, he feels a feeling so warm. The feeling that he's been in before. The feelings he didn't even feel when he with Yeonjun.

Suddenly, when Yeonjun's name popped into his head, he remember something that he would like to ask to Byeol.

"Byeol since when you're close with Yeonjun hyung?"

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