Seoul Vibe Part 31

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It was not hard to imagine where Kang had gone and indeed, there he was in the men's room, washing his hands and peering carefully at his reflection in the mirror

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It was not hard to imagine where Kang had gone and indeed, there he was in the men's room, washing his hands and peering carefully at his reflection in the mirror.  His shock as Seon-jae walked in behind him was palpable, though he tried to hide it and dropped his eyes, pretending not to recognise his former student.  Seon-jae stood behind him and waited for him to make eye contact in the mirror again.  Kang delayed by washing his hands as laboriously as he could but eventually, he had to lift his head and their eyes connected.  

'Ah, the young sindong - genius - what a surprise to see you here - I thought you would be too busy off conquering the world to waste your precious time.'

Perhaps if Kang had taken a more temperate approach, Seon-jae's response might have been less explosive - at least, that was what he told himself afterwards - but the snarling tone and petty-mindedness - not to mention the dis-respect to Hye-won, implying that Seon-jae should have better things to do than accompany her to pay last respects to her mother - sent a rush of hot blood straight to his head and in a single action, he gripped Kang's jacket between the shoulders and yanked him backwards from the basin, frog-marched him - 1 step, 2 - into the nearest cubicle, then slammed and locked the door, so that they were faced off in the tightest of spaces, both panting - 1 with fright, the other with fight.


'Now say all that again to me

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'Now say all that again to me.'

Seon-jae's voice was a low, menacing rumble and his eyes were spitting fire.  Kang couldn't quite believe what had just happened but his attempts to regain his dignity both failed miserably.  First, he tried to leave but Seon-jae's imposing frame blocked the door and that impediment showed no signs of being removed, barring a head-long tackle - which would have risked Kang's dignity even more.  Second, he tried to speak but all he managed to emit was a hoarse squeak, followed by an attempt to clear his throat to cover his embarrassment, though neither was fooled.

Seon-jae waited, outwardly unflapped but inwardly, so full of loathing that his breath was racing.  In silence, Kang assessed the situation - Seon-jae's body full of tension, only barely tethered, his expression steely and unflinching - and attempted his usual route out of trouble, which seemed to work with most people - he smiled, somewhat awkwardly, and held up his hands in surrender: 'aish - gosh - I was just joking, don't be so sensitive.'

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