𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒆𝒈𝒂𝒄𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆

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"I just want to be normal."

"Fuck that. Normal's death."

"What's more normal than bragging about how normal you are?" Maria said making all three of the girls laugh.

"Maybe we shit on what we can't have. Me, in my heart, I would love to own a house like this," Maria said looking at the house they were standing next to "filled with books, ninos running around, music in the air."

"Enjoy that bullshit. I'm gonna party forever and rule the world." Saya stated thinking of her future.

Looking at Maria who looked at the girls with wide eyes, "But I would like to visit." Saya finished quickly

"Auntie Saya, party queen of the world. What about you Ame?" Maria said excitedly

"I'll also party forever and I'll live next to my brother so I can visit him every day." Ame stated making both girls look at her shocked, Ame looked at them "What, what's wrong, is that so crazy?"

"YOU HAVE A BROTHER!?" both girls screamed making Ame realise what she had said, "Uhm, yeah, well not biological but yes I do," Ame said scratching the back of her head. "Is he a famous assassin like you?" Saya said making a joke about Ame's fame as an assassin, which normally she wouldn't like but she let it slide and laughed. "No no definitely not, he's far from it. He's a nurse, I rarely see him but whenever I can I will." Mentioning the visits Ame realised she still had to visit him, she made a mental note to call him later and plan something."

"That's amazing! but also slightly weird but who cares" Saya said surprised but also happy hearing her friend have actual family, as she knew the girl could feel alone.

"I'm happy for you Ame, oh and you are also welcome to visit, I think Auntie Ame would be a very cool auntie," Maria stated, realising the girl wasn't all that bad, this girls night had been eye-opening for both girls, they started to like each other.

"Hey, wouldn't I be a cool aunt as well?" Saya asked jokingly defeated standing still throwing her hands in the air.
"Yes, Saya you'd be a cool world-leading partying aunt," Ame said to the girl.

After walking for a while they walked upon a store, the store sold everything, but most importantly, to the girls at least, alcohol. Walking in the bell rang. The girls walked straight towards the alcohol aisle. "Why don't you find out if this goes with fish?" Saya handed the bottle to Maria who went up to the cashier. Saya stayed looking for a good bottle of alcohol but Ame walked around the corner into the aisle furthest away from the cashier and looked around. She had picked up some pens as well as a new notebook and put them in her pants, as she walked back over to Saya a walkman and headphones caught her eye, Marcus had been whining about not having his ever since Willie took them at the party, so Ame being the amazing friend she is, took them with her to gift him.

She made her way back to Saya who nodded her head towards the exit, sneaking behind her grabbing a bottle of alcohol on the way. As we were almost fully out of the aisle Saya knocked off a tiny shot of something making Maria and the cashier look at Ame and Saya, they were busted.

"Looting the wrong establishment. Put it down now"

"Well geez mister, We brought this from home," Saya said looking innocent.
Looking around Ame saw a jar standing a few feet away from her. Maria grabbed the mans arm and Ame kicked the jar towards the man and it shattered on his face. Maria hit his head on the counter and the three girls ran out of the store laughing.

 Maria hit his head on the counter and the three girls ran out of the store laughing

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𝐠𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 | 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘭𝘺 𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘴Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora