𝟾 ・ 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚜

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"What are you doing?" 

Eunae felt Gyunghoon's presence behind her and stand there, observing her. 

"Conspiring of different ways to kill you," Eunae answered, giving more hay to the cows. 

She heard Gyunghoon chuckle as he fell into the same step as her. 

"Come on. You can't kill me. You're too weak to even lift a pack of hay by yourself," Gyunghoon commented. 

"You knew they will all be here," Eunae accused. 

"I did."

"And you still told me to come," Eunae added. 

"I did."

"Why?" Eunae exasperated 

"Don't tell me you're not even a little bit pleased to see Jeonghan. Or even Jinny," Gyunghoon said. 

"I am pleased to see Jeonghan. A bit surprised to see Jinny but still pleased," Eunae admitted.

"Then what's the problem?" Gyunghoon asked. 

"The problem is the other two," Eunae hissed, as she dumped the empty pack of hay on the floor, "Why are they here?" 

"You know I'm friends with them. Besides, those two and Jeonghan and Jinny always come together. They make a plan to come here about once a month," Gyunghoon informed her, not at all affected by Eunae's empty threats. 

"But I'm not friends with them Gyunghoon. You know I'm uncomfortable around them. Being alone with Jeonghan is already awkward enough," Eunae told him. 

"You overthink too much Eunae. It's not even that bad. They're nice to you today," Gyunghoon said. 

"Yes. Calling me chubby piggy is nice," Eunae pointed out, opening another packet of hay. 

Gyunghoon winced a bit at the nickname and scratched the back of his neck. "Well. . .that's just the way they remember you from high school. I'm sure they didn't mean it. It probably just came out unintentionally." 

Gyunghoon sighed as he saw the sour look on his friend's face and interjected, "Come on Eunae. It will be fine. You have to come out of your shell one day. Also, I will be here."

Eunae dropped her shoulders and inhaled deeply, giving in. She then turned towards the cows and once more began feeding them hay. 

"Your cows are too greedy," She told him. 

Gyunghoon cracked a smile and said, "Bella has a large appetite. And Leo is a lady charmer. Aren't you Leo?"

"You do realize you look like a lunatic trying to talk to cows," Eunae said, "And how do you even know which one is Bella and which one is Leo. They all literally look the same."

"Are you kidding me. These are my babies. Of course I remember each and every one of them. And of course I need to talk to them. Isn't that right Daisy. Good girl," Gyunghoon cooed as he petted 'Daisy'. 

"This is why you're still single. And will probably remain single," Eunae shot at him, not being able to understand the deep bond between the cows and Gyunghoon. 

"Jeonghan! Stop. You're walking too fast," A shrilling voice said 

Eunae looked over her back to see Jeonghan and Jinny walking into the cow shed. 

"She still hasn't really changed," Eunae mumbled under her breath, but loud enough for Gyunghoon to listen. 

"If you are speaking in terms of loudness, then yes. She hasn't really changed," Gyunghoon said, "Truth to be told Eunae, you're the one who changed the most."

The Next Door Neighbor (Jeonghan)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя