Character List and Explanations

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Since this book involves  large portions of the culinary world, I have listed below the character list and a brief explanation of each position since it may be confusing. Some characters may not be introduced until a latter time. 

 Please not that I am not a chef or working in the culinary work and everything I have found out is through research and the internet. Do tell me if I make any mistakes and I apologize for any offending mistakes. 

Whenever you get confused, please refer to this list. 


- Main Character, Same age as Jeonghan, Pattisier

- Pattisier: Someone who specializes in pastries, desserts and sweets. Also in making different breads and other baked goods. They are one of the most beloved chefs in the kitchen 



- Eunha's sister

four years younger and training to be a doctor. Currently interning at a hospital in Seoul. 



- Two years older than Eunha and the two met in Japan 

- Garde manger: also known as the pantry chef. This chef is mainly in charge of the cold dishes on the menu, such as salads or appetizers. 



- Another one of Eunha's co-workers and friends

- Friturier which is the fry chef, who handles all the frying work 



- Co-worker 

- Roast chef 




- Sous Chef: The assistant to the head chef and a bit higher than regular chefs 


Mr. Jung 

- The head chef and also like a boss. 

- Handles most of the main cooking. 


Lee Daehan  

- Owner of the restaurant and the executive chef 

- has the final say in the menu and is the boss 



- the restaurant they all are working at 

- high class restaurant and a Michelin star restaurant type of place. 


Chaewon and Eunwoo

- Assistant chefs to Eunae



- Childhood friend of Jeonghan and Eunae

- Also a neighbor of Jeonghan and Eunae 



- Went to school with Jeonghan and Eunae 

- btw he is a real person and the friend with who Jeonghan auditioned with for pledis. He is also the friend who owns a 100 cows and who Jeonghan and Dokyeom visited in SVT Club. 



- Nauen's boyfriend 

- Very rich 



- Reporter/ Columnist for the Seoul Times

- Is very infamous for his criticism and is also very famous in the journaling work 


Yura and Bada 

- friends of Eunae from school 

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