𝟸𝟿・𝙷𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚢 𝙱𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚍𝚊𝚢

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"That will be 9000 won," The cashier told Eunae. 

Eunae fished out some cash from her wallet and paid for her beers, taking the plastic bag which contained her beers. 

Korea's done a good job on getting rid of plastic used cups in cafes but they still need to tackle the plastic bag problem. But it isn't Eunae's problem at the moment.

Eunae walked out of the convenience store with lazy steps. 

"That's a lot of beers for one person." 

Eunae halted in her steps and looked up to see one of her best friends Yura standing in front of her. 

"I hope that's not all for you," Yura commented, eyeing the black plastic bag. 

"How did you. . ." Eunae spoke, wondering if Yura suddenly got x-ray vision that allows her to look inside black plastic bags. 

"I saw you paying," Yura answered, reading Eunae's thoughts. 

Eunae made her mouth into an "o" shape without really letting any noise out. 

"What are you doing here?" Eunae asked once she finally realized that Yura is in her neighborhood. 

"We made plans to meet up, remember?" Yura said, walking over closer as she raised an eyebrow, questioning Eunae's memory. 

"We did?" Eunae asked, frowning as Yura took the plastic bag from Eunae's hands and took it over to the small round table and two chairs stationed outside the store, clearly for people to sit down and eat if they wanted to. 

"We did. Did you forget?" Yura said. 

"We planned to meet this late at night?" Eunae asked, not being able to remember when they planned their meet up. She really must have been zoning out lately. Even Jeonghan had earlier scolded her for listening properly. 

"Yes. It was the only time all three of us could meet," Yura told her. 

Eunae followed her to the table and chairs.

"By the way Bada can't make it. Her study group is taking longer than expected so she texted me saying she won't be able to come," Yura said, "She really wants to pass the bar exam this time." 

"So it's just the two of us," Eunae asked to confirm. 

"It's just the two of us. By the way you were really planning on drinking yourself to death tonight, weren't you?" Yura said, exposing the four beer cans, "Any special occasion?"

Eunae shook her head, saying," Nothing." 

Yura gave a little nod. She could tell something as off with Eunae but brushed it off, deciding to ask her later if Eunae's mood didn't seem to improve. 

"Are you going to eat anything?" Yura asked. 

Eunae shook her head and said, "I'm not really hungry.""Me neither," Yura. 

"Why? Did you have dinner?" Eunae asked frowning slightly. Yura isn't one to turn down food. It is usually difficult to get Yura away from food in fact. 

"No," Yura sighed, "Just. . .not hungry." 

"Do you want to just drink then?" Eunae suggested. 

In the end the two friends decided to get some potato chips to go along with the beer, something to munch on as both of them contemplated their lives, sitting outside the convenience store. 

"Why the sullen face," Yura asked as she threw a chip in her mouth. 

Eunae took in a deep breath and said, "Long day." 

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