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"What do you want for your birthday?" Jeonghan asked, his lazy voice coming in through the call and Eunae could picture him rubbing his eyes as he probably yawned. 

"You're still in bed, aren't you?" Eunae guessed, already smiling because she knew she was correct. 

"Yes. I am," Jeonghan admitted. 

"It's nearly twelve in the day Jeonghan. If you don't get up now you won't be able to sleep at night later," Eunae told him, speaking in a hushed voice so that she doesn't disturb her co-workers around her. 

"You didn't answer my question sweetheart," Jeonghan mused. 

"What question?" Eunae asked for clarification. 

"What do you want for your birthday?" Jeonghan repeated himself. 

"I thought we agreed to not giving each other gifts," Eunae reminded him. 

"Yet you're the one who broke that agreement first," Jeonghan said and Eunae sat in silence, a knowing smile on her face as she knows that Jeonghan has her caught in a corner with nothing to counter what he just said.

As cliche as it sounds, Jeonghan and Eunae were born exactly ten days apart. Jeonghan was born on October fourth while Eunae was born on October fourteen. Ever since they were toddles, and up until high school, the two always celebrated their birthdays together, their families always throwing joint birthday parties. The parties and joint celebrations stopped when they entered high school, both Eunae and Jeonghan finding it slightly embarrassing now that they were teenagers.  

Although Jeonghan was working on his birthday this year, he was able to make some time for her and the two ate lunch together. Despite their promise to not buy each other expensive gifts, Eunae couldn't help herself when she saw a pretty, shiny and glossy wrist watch at a store and bought it for Jeonghan. 

She knows that Jeonghan doesn't really wear wristwatches often, but Eunae couldn't help but immediately think of him when she first saw it and knew Jeonghan would look great in it whenever he did wear it. 

Eunae bit her lower lip, not really knowing what to say. 

"So don't tell me not to get you something when you got me an expensive present on my birthday," Jeonghan said, sounding suspiciously sweet. 

"That's different," Eunae tired lamely defending herself. 

"Oh really? Exactly how?" Jeonghan sounded intrigued, and Eunae rolled her eyes knowing that he is mocking her. 

"I just. . .I just don't feel like celebrating this year," Eunae told him.

It has only been three weeks after her grandmother passed away and Eunae felt that it was still too soon to go party and celebrate. 

"She'd want you to move on, love," Jeonghan told her lovingly. 

"It just feels a bit too early to move on already," Eunae said. 

Jeonghan sucked in a deep breath and said, "You don't have to do much. Just cut some cake and eat your favorite foods. It's your birthday after all. I don't want you to be sad on your birthday." 

"Who said I'm going to be sad. I can be happy and not celebrate it at the same time, you know," Eunae told him. 

Jeonghan sighed, knowing that Eunae isn't going to listen to him and said, "Fine. But I'm still buying you a present." 

"Whatever," Eunae dismissed his statement, knowing that Jeonghan isn't one to listen either. 

"Why are you whispering by the way?"Jeonghan asked, suddenly changing the topic. 

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