𝟷𝟾・ 𝙰𝚗𝚒𝚖𝚘𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚢

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"Come. Let us celebrate the release of your article."

The words rang around in Eunae's brain as she tried to make sense of what Daehan just said

Celebrate? The article? In what sense?

Eunae was confident she was being brought to the office to be scolded and wrongly accused however now she is being presented with an entirely different story.

She looked at Mr. Jung, whose stoic expressions revealed no emotions to help Eunae with her confusion.

"Come in. What are you standing there for?" Daehan said, making Eunae look back at him.

"Y-yes, Sir," Eunae stammered.

Reluctantly, Eunae took a single step inside, towards where Daehan and Jinhwan were sitting and a step away from Daehan.

"Don't be shy," Daehan said, "Come, take a seat next to Jinhwan."

Eunae very slowly made her way towards the pair of singles couch in front of Daehan's chair and sat down on the very edge of it, once again feeling as if her dirty apron will ruin its expensive fabric.

"Ms. Kim, nice to see you again," Jinhwan greeted her and Eunae nodded at him, not missing the delighted expression he wore. Eunae couldn't figure out if he was genuinely greeting her or mocking her by addressing Eunae as "Ms. Kim" now that she has read his article.

"How are you feeling Eunae?" Daehan asked far too cheerfully for her mood.

"uh-I'm fine sir. How about you?" Eunae asked, being polite.

Daehan laughed out aloud and said, "There's no need to be this formal Eunae. But thank you for asking. I'm quite ecstatic today. Aren't you?"

Eunae only let out an awkward smile as if to agree. Luckily Daehan was too distracted to notice. He poured someone of that expensive champagne into another glass and offered it to Eunae.

When Eunae shook her head, declining it, Daehan insisted," Come on Eunae. It's for celebration. Don't worry about work, I'm giving it to you so no one can say anything to you. Unless you're a very light drinker, are you?"

Eunae shook her head, saying, "N-no. . .I'm not."

"Then I don't see what the problem is," Daehan declared, once again offering the glass towards Eunae.

This time Eunae took it and raised it in the sky as Daehan made an indication to "cheers" together.

The sound of the three champagne classes clinking together filled the room as both Daehan and Jinhwan loudly cheered and Eunae mumbled something incoherent under her breath before proceeding to take a teeny tiny sip of the clear looking champagne.

Daehan and Jinhwan started to indulge in a conversation regarding public attention and media power and a few minutes later Daehan asked, "Eunae. How did you feel about the article?"

"The. . .article?" Eunae repeated.

"Yes. The article. I'm assuming you have read it by now. What do you think about it?" Daehan asked.

What does she think about it? What does Eunae think about it? Well she thinks that Jinhwan has successfully managed to make Eunae appear like conceited, arrogant bitch and a slut who will do anything she pleases, and that most people who have read it probably will believe that she slept with Daehan to get her job. Not to mention that her family and friends have probably read the article and Eunae couldn't even begin to fathom what they must be thinking about her.

The only thing Jinhwan missed out was not writing about her smoking habits and how oily her scalp is.

Instead Eunae forced a smile on her face and turned to Jinhwan, saying, "I'm glad you enjoyed our desserts."

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