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It was a hot summer noon when Jeonghan woke up to his sister coming in, shouting in his room. 

"What?" Croaked Jeonghan as he opened an eye and stared at the blurry silhouette of his sister.

"Wake up. Mom told me to wake you so wake up," Jihye said before exiting his room. 

Jeonghan groaned rather uglily before slamming his head back into the pillow. He loved his sister to death but at times like these, he wanted nothing to do with her. 

Slowly and very grumpily he got off from bed, knowing that his two members, who accompanied him last night, were already up. 

Jeonghan, Joshua and Dokyeom were just visiting his family for dinner but ended up staying for the night. Not that Jeonghan minded. He was too lazy to drive back to the dorms last night anyways.   

He made his way downstairs barefooted, rubbing his eyes in process. Despite his dyed blonde hair being all over the place, Jeonghan still managed to look good, as he always did, and he knew it as well. 

After all, it's a bit hard not to know when there are thousands of girls screaming to get your attention, telling you exactly how handsome you are. 

"Hyung you're up?" Dokyeom asked, more like stated, as he sat on the dinning table with the rest of Jeonghan's family. 

Jeonghan just grunted and sat down on the empty seat next to Joshua and poured himself a glass of water.

"You snore so loudly," Joshua told him and Jeonghan pinched him on his side, a favor Joshua gladly returned. 

"Jeonghan-ah you woke up?" His mom came into view, putting down a bowl of fresh cut watermelons on the table. 

"Jihye woke me up," Jeonghan answered. 

"Yes. I told her to. You have to drive back to Seoul," His mom said while going back into the kitchen. 

Jihye walked loudly down the stairs and yelled out, "I'm going." 

Jeonghan frowned, getting off of the chair and turned to his sister, asking, "Where are you going?" 

"The library," His sister said, walking all over the place to find her phone.

"But it's a Sunday. You don't have to go to university," Jeonghan pointed out. 

"Yes but I do have homework and assignments which aren't going to be completed themselves," Jihye smart mouthed, a gentle trick she has learnt from her brother over the years.

"Ah there you are," Jihye said, finding her phone. 

"Ya come here," Jeonghan said when he saw his sister leaving without hugging him first. 

"Bye. Take care of yourself," Jeonghan said, hugging his baby sister tightly. 

"Bye Oppa," Jihye said, before wearing her sandals and running out of the house. 

Jeonghan watched her leave with a heavy feeling in his heart. No matter how old his sister would get, Jeonghan will always feel protective towards her, and sad whenever he has to go away for long periods of time. 

Jeonghan and Jihye had a strong sibling relationship that the world could never quite understand. 

"Where's appa?" Jeonghan asked, one he sat back down on the dinning table. 

"He left to run some errands already. He stayed late to meet you but you were taking too long to wake up so he left," Joshua told him, devouring a watermelon in his mouth. 

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