Seep tight

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Phillips POV

"Alright boys, get out here. I need 10 laps." The coach yelled.

The whole team groaned. Having to run 10 laps in the heat wasn't on my bucket list. George and Andrès came to watch me practice and all I could do is stare at my chubby baby. Everytime I'd tickle him he smiles a little bit and it melts my heart.

"HAMILTON! Pull your hard out your ass and run the laps."

"Yeah yeah I'm running coach." I grumbled

I started running and George started cheering for me. I love him so much. We decided to put getting married on hold. We're not quite fiancé's yet. I want to ask him properly or maybe he can ask me.

"WHOOO HOOOO go babe." I heard George yell

"Aye Hamilton looks like you got a cheerleader." King Smirked.

"I'm sorry are you mad because Georges doesn't come to cheer you on." I spat

"No I'm not." He yelled

"Woah calm down princess. Don't get your panties in a bunch."

"I swear to all bobs if you don't shut the literal fuck up Phillip."

"Aww princess getting mad."

He ain't say nothing he just walk away flustered and confused. After practice was over George and Andrès came over to greet me.

"Awww hey my chunky baby." I cooed and then I showered him with kisses.

"Where daddy's kiss." George pouted

"And a kiss for daddy." I kissed his forehead.

George grabbed my bag and we started walking out when a baseball was thrown almost knocking me over.

"Whoops my bad." He snickered

"WHO THE FUC- King I have my child in my fucking hands are you stupid or just dumb?" I spat

"I will beat your ass. Don't endanger my kid you fuckface." George spat

"And what the fuck are you going to do about it cheerleader." King spat

And before anything could happen John ran out on the field breaking up King and George.

Johns POV.

"Walk away King." I said sternly

"And who are you the cheerleaders dad? Or the girl over here."

"I will call your parents. And I know you don't want that? Hmm?"

"Okay okay chill. I'll go."

"That's what I thought."

I walked over to Pip who was holding on to the baby with dear life.

"Is he okay honey."

"Yeah. He wasn't hit."

"Are you okay."

"Yeah I was just hit in the head with a fucking baseball." He laughs

"You little shit." I chuckled

"Yeah yeah let's get home I'm hungry and the tiny human is also."

"Okay let's head home."

Time skip brought to you by John Lauren's being a super dad uwu

We made it home in one piece. With no one getting hurt and we walk through the door.

"Dad can you call uncle laf." I demanded


"Because Georges has this little shit of a boyfriend and he threw a ball at me while I was hole the baby."

"What the fuck."

"Exactly. Anyways me and George are going to my room."


"Welp that went well." I kiss my husbands forehead.

"Yeah heh."

I went to my room and took off my shirt because I plan on taking a nap. Today was a long day and I'm tired as hell.

"Oooo strip show." Alex giggled

"No im taking a nap." I say while yawning

"Ohhh well I want to sleep with you too." He pouted

"No because we'll end up fucking and I'm tired." I whined

"Strictly sleep I promise."

Alex gets in the bed with my and I wrap my arms around him.

"Alex stop."

"What am I doing babe." He smirked

"I'm going to kick your ass Alex."

"Finnnnnne your no fun." He whined

"Maybe later."

"Okay sleep tight."

"You too."

After a while of talking. We ended up falling asleep.

A/N: sorry this chapter wasn't longer. I'm having a lot of writers block. Next chapter will be a alex and John day I guess. Vote and comment thank you

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