When the time comes

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Trigger warning: Angst, Dysphoria, Depression.

Johns POV.

We've been looking for Phillip for a week. He hasn't been at school or work. I don't understand why he'd run out the house. It's like he planned this from the beginning for some reason. I'm in our room and Alex has been crying nonstop so I help him up and we head to the kitchen and we have a seat while I make breakfast.

"Honey you have to eat something." I push the food towards him.

"How can I eat? Phillips been gone for a week, Without his meds. Without everything." He starts sobbing. "I'm such a bad parent"

"Alexander your not a bad parent things happen. You also haven't ate in a week." I say sternly. "You will eat now."

"Fine, What is it?"

"Pancakes and Eggs." I smile.

He finally takes a bite and nods.

"It's good Jackie thank you." He smiles and kisses me.

"No problem. Let's try calling Phillip again and here let me help you up. You can barley stand."

"Thanks Jack. You take care of me so well" he tried to kiss my cheek but stumbled.

"Woah slow down tiger." I chuckle.

Soon we're walking back into the room. I'm helping Alex lay down. He's been cooped up in bed all week but at this moment he needed to rest. Atleast I finally got him to eat. I feel accomplished.

Phillips POV.

Dad is calling...

"Shit George he's calling again. I think I just want to go home. I need my medication."

"You don't need it Pip. Your fine."

"But I'm NOT. Look at me George." I yell at him and turn his face. "I look disgusting. This isn't me. I'm a girl."

"You are not! Stop saying that. You are a boy!"

"You don't understand. You never will understand what I go through George." I snap at him.

"Explain it to me then maybe I will finally understand." We both sigh.

My dysphoria has been bothering me so much lately. I guess I'm paying for it because I refused to take my medicine for a week. Out of anger because of my dad. Now I'm a wreck. I don't want George seeing me like this I'm just a mess. I eventually ended up explaining to him why I get this way without medication. I don't know why I had a sudden urge to stop taking it but I wanted to prove a point. I think the point is proven now.

"Phillip." George says softly.

"Yes Georgie." I look down.

"Come sit next to me. I just want to hold you." He pats the spot next to him on the couch.

"Okay." I walk over and sit down.

"I love you. I love everything about you. Your freckles. Your hair it's so long and like majestic and shiny and your just so adorable. Your eyes are my favorite thing about you." He tears up a bit. "I love you."

"Really babe. Majestic huh?" I giggle

"Yes how is your hair so long anyway." He questions.

"I've never had a haircut.Well more like I refuse to get a haircut. My mama used to do my hair and it just reminds me of her." I sigh.

"You know what babe. Let's get you home. Your parents love you and if they didn't want to tell you what was going on it was probably for the best." He sighs

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