The Date

157 11 9

Trigger Warning: Separation Anxiety

Johns POV

One weeks later...

What the heck am I going to wear. As I'm freaking out my turtle Coco is just staring at me.

"Well don't just sit there Coco. You should be helping." I say to her and laugh.

As soon as I get done getting ready I try to attempt to do my hair.

"This should be fun." I mumble to myself.

As I'm doing my hair the comb gets stuck AGAIN.

"Shit, that's the second time this week." I say frustrated.

I ended up wearing it down with leave In conditioner and a plaid shirt with black jeans. I really don't have a lot of time. We're supposed to be going to this really nice restaurant. Welp let the journey begin.

Alex's POV

My date with John is today. My god what am I going to wear. Let's see what about a white button up and some jeans. Oh and my bi-pride pin of course. I comb my hair back and get ready to go. Until I'm met with a very uneasy Phillip.

"Pip what's wrong." I ask worried.

"Dad do you have to go? This is the first time you've left me by myself since you know mom passed." He says tearing up.

"Honey, You'll be okay I promise. I'll be out for maybe an hour or two then I'll be home." I say reassuring him.

"Dad please..." he walks toward me and hangs on to my leg. "Dad don't go. You can have your date here. I promise I won't be a bother." He says sincerely.

"Philip sweetie. I really would like to go out with John. I can't change last minute." I say to him.

Poor Phillip. He hasn't had this much separation anxiety since he was 10. Now I feel guilty for going. I can't leave him here like this. He needs me. He's probably worried something might happen to me. Usually his mindset changes when he's like this and it's harder to explain why I should go out instead of staying home.

"Baby, Daddy wants to go out and socialize. It's been a while. I know your not use to me leaving but I should really go okay." I say pulling him up from my legs and hugging him.

"But dad.. please. can't go. I won't le..let you." He says between sobs.

Maybe I should text John and tell him that I can't go. I was almost there.

Jackie 209-xxx-xxxx

Hammy: Hey Jack we might have to call off tonight. Phillip isn't feeling well I hope you understand❤️

Jackie: Omg what's wrong with him is he sick. Is there anything I can do to help.

Hammy: Well he has really bad separation anxiety. And since his mother passed. I barley ever leave him.

Jackie: Oh no worries. Let's just have dinner at your place. That's fine.

Hammy: I'm not prepared jackie.

Jackie: I'll bring stuff. And maybe I can help you calm down Phillip. I know what it's like to be separated from a parent.

Hammy: my goodness. Thank you. Your the best. : )

Jackie: no silly your the best :3  I'll be on my way soon. Mwah

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