The Bachelors

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Johns POV.

Oh my god. Am I ready to get married? Well to answer my own question no. Alex still gives me butterflies when he enters a room. I can't contain myself around him. And now I'm marrying him in less then 48 hours. I can't believe I'm really doing this. As I'm thinking to myself. Phillip is rambling on about what he should wear.

"Dad." He snaps his fingers at me. "What should I wear. I want to look good."

"Look good for who Pip." I chuckle.

"The crowd of course." He wiggles his eyebrows.

"Oh please. Wear the black tux I got you two weeks ago. Nothing two fancy."

"My pops is getting married it has to be fancy dad."

"It doesn't." I deadpan

"Dadddd." He whines

"Phillip you don't need to impress anyone. Your handsome the way you are." I kiss his forehead and walk out the room. Now I shall text Alex. I wonder where he is. We're supposed to have our bachelors parties tonight he'll be with his friends and I'll be with mine.

                        Alex 209-xxx-xxxx

Jackie: Lex where are you?

Alex: uhhhh getting stuff for the party tonight

Jackie: wait what time does yours start

Alex: uh 8pm why

Jackie: where's Phillip going to be

Jackie: and don't say Washington's last time he was there they almost gave him peanut butter and hes allergic

Alex: uh Phillip is 18 he knows what he can't have...

Jackie: okay. Well mine starts at 6:30

Alex: okay luv you

Jackie: I love you too. I can't wait to see you Tmrw night

Alex: I can't wait either❤️

Soon I'm getting ready to leave before his boyfriend gets here and Phillip stops me at the door.

"No drinking." He deadpans

"No looking at other men. My dad is your one and only."

"And be appropriate."

"Oh well thanks dad I'll be safe." I said sarcastically.

"And as for you. You and George bet not have sex while me and your father are not here." I say sternly


"No smoking pot either. Or you'll give me no choice but to drug test you."

"Okay okay."

He stands up and looks at me.

"Now go have fun honey." He giggles

"I have the best son." I think to myself

Soon Peggy and Angelica are knocking on the door and I get ready to go. I wave bye to Pip. And we leave.

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