A Day Outside.

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Trigger warnings: Separation anxiety, Social Anxiety

Filler chapter.

1 month later....

Phillips POV

"Dad don't make me go. I want to stay here with you." I said sobbing into his chest.

"Sweetie. You need to go out more. You barley get any sunlight and bonding with John will be good for you." My dad said.

Good for me? I don't want to go because outside is scary. It gives people a chance to say what they want about you. I've only known John for a month why do I have to bond with him. This sucks. I have social anxiety. What if I get hurt or worse mugged? I can't get mugged.

"Dad if I go out I could possibly get mugged." I say looking down.

He gives me this look like what the frick. I know I sound crazy but the outside. It isn't for me. I like to stay inside and play Minecraft and just vibe alone to music.

"Phillip did you really say you can get mugged?" He says looking at me with his hands on his hip.

"Well, yeah. New York is dangerous." I say.

"Your going end of discussion." He walks away to answer the door.

"Dad please I want to stay with you. Please." I say hanging on to his leg.

He opens the door and we're greeted by John.

Alex's POV

I walk over to open the door and Phillip is hanging on to me.

"Hey John." I say hugging him.

"Hey babe. Uhh looks like you have a bit of a situation?" He chuckles.

"Yeah he's being clingy but he's going. I want you guys to bond." I say sternly.

"Hey buddy. We're just going out to the park to paint. Do you think that'll be to much for you". John says.

Phillip doesn't answer. I don't think I'm a bad person for wanting my son to go and enjoy life. He's almost 18. Speaking of which therapy appointment.

"Phillip baby get off the floor. Your going." I say.

Then he starts crying.

"Daddy I don't want to go. It's scary out there. I'll get mugged." He says while crying.

"Here babe let me talk to him." John whispers to me.

Johns POV.

"Hey bud. Are you okay?" I ask concerned.

"No. I'm not okay I don't want to go." He says crying.

My heart breaks a little bit because I know what it's like to feel very attached after loosing a parent. After I lost my mama me and my dad were attached at the hip. There still is sometimes I don't want to go outside because of what happened to her.

"Hey Phillip. I lost my mama too. I know how you feel you just don't want to leave because you feel something bad will happen to your dad, but trust me he'll be okay." I say reassuring him.

"You lost your mom too." He says getting off the floor and walks towards me.

"Yes Pip. I did. It was hard for me to cope with it. Suddenly I became super attached to my dad as well." I look down a bit.

"I'm sorry John. It's been hard. But I love my dad too much and we do everything together." He says wiping his face.

"How about we FaceTime him when we get there just to make sure he's okay?" I say.

"That'll be nice. Thank you." he hugs me.

"Okay buddy let's go." I say.

I text Alex to let him know we're leaving and will be back at noon.

                       Babe 209-xxx-xxxx

Jackie: Hey baby we're leaving. See you at noon.

Babe: how'd you get him to go?

Jackie: a magician never reveals his secrets.

Babe: thank you so much. He needed this.

Jackie: no problem❤️ he loves you a lot Alex.

Babe: Ik it's because of Eliza. He's been doing worse lately.

Jackie: I can see. Well Imma ft you when we get to the park. I kinda promised him.

Babe: okie dokie❤️

Time skip brought to you by Anthony Ramos being hot

Johns POV.

"Did you have fun?" I say.

"Yes I did. Thank you John. Um I love you." He hugs me super tight.

"Awe bud. I love you too. Now go say hi to you dad for me I have to go." I chuckle

"Okay bye John." He says running in the house.

Oh my god. Phillip is such a great kid. He opened up to me a lot. For starters he told me he's Transgender of course I already knew. He told me about Eliza. Rest her soul and he told me he's actually Gay. He told me first and not his dad. That's crazy. I've really found the life I'm supposed to be living and it feels great.

A/N: Hey you goofygoobers. It's a wrap with the filler chapter. We got some inside time with John and Phillip. I'm trying to build there relationship more. You'll get some more chapters of them back at school. But next chapter will be fluff wit John and Alex UwU. Next chapter possibly Monday or Sunday. Vote and comment. 🥲❤️

Grow as we go (LAMS & Pheacker)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz