Marry Me

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Philips POV

"Yes I'm deadass." I laugh

"So you telling me. Georgie boy here called you a girl and you broke his hand."

"Yes Charlie. It was pretty funny."

"It's wasn't cause now I'm stuck with a pink cast for 4 months." George whines

"You should've thought about that." I giggle

Andès is now a week old. So I ended up going to Theos house and the whole gang ended up being there. Including Georgie, Samuel and Charlie and Theo of course. Now that I think about it it's time for the baby to eat.

"Okay hand over the bèbè." I make grabby hands at Charlie

"Awwww he just got used to me." He groans

"Okay 5 more minutes then I have to feed him." I say giving in.

"He kinda resembles George a lot."

"Ehhh I don't see it."

"PIP." George yells

"Whaaaa. It's true."

I love taunting him. He always gets so worked up. And his pink cast doesn't make it any better.

"It's okay princess don't be upset." I giggle

"Shut the fu-"

"DONT cuss infront of the baby." I grumble.

I've been so tired lately. He's a lot of work. I'm the only one really taking care of Andrès because parents needed a break and George is just George.

"Ight. I'm heading to bed. Theo. I'm sleeping in your bed bye now."

"Okay but don't get your little boy germs on it."

Theos POV

I'm glad that Pip went to go sleep because I was ready to go off on George about how he does nothing and contributes nothing to help with the baby. He can't just do it on his own.

"Why are you such a douche George. You got my bestie pregnant and he's exhausted the least you can do is change a diaper."

"Yee." Charlie and Sammy agree

"What do you mean. I help."

"When." Samuel retorts

"Um I held him when Pip needed to pick something up."

"See that's what I'm saying. I don't mind taking care of the little gremlin when my bestie needs his sleep. He can depend on us but he should be able to depend on you." I state

"Yee listen George Bro to bro you need to start helping ya mans out. It took both of y'all to have Andrès so act like it."

"Ye..yeah Georgie your not being a good boyfriend." Samuel finally speaks up

"Now you wanna speak up Samuel."

"Don't speak to my fiancé like that. Are you crazy."

"Look. We're not gonna argue with you. We're your friends. We're just telling you to be a better father. Pips going off to college soon and when he does he can't take care of Andrès and do baseball and stuff." I say sincerely

"Okay okay. It's just hard for me to have that kind of attachment I didn't have parents." George says tearing up

As soon as George starts crying. All I can do is stare and feel bad for him. It was going well until Pip woke up.

Phillips POV

"What's going on here? Baby are you okay?" I rush over to him

"Ye..yeah I'm okay Phillip." He starts breaking down when I hugged him closer.

"Baby. Tell me what's going on my love." I say concerned

By this time our friends had left us alone to talk to each other. Theo is with the baby. I've never really seen Georgie cry like this. It breaks my heart. My poor baby. Sometimes I don't even notice. But when I speak Spanish I get a better reaction out of him. Like he's attached to that side of me or something. (Get ready for some google translate chillle-Author)

"cariño hablas conmigo quiero ayudarte." I whisper

"It's hard Phillip. I have a lot of trauma."

"Bueno, déjamelo a mí. Estoy aquí para ti. tu eres mi bebe."

"You know I've never had parents. So being a father is hard for me. I never had a role model I'm just scared I'll fuck up."

"Ah I see."


"ven aquí. Quiero que sepas que te ayudaré. cada paso del camino. Estamos en esto juntos." I grab his face and kiss his forehead

"Thanks baby. That means a lot. Now do you want to hold him. You haven't got to yet and I think you'll do great!" I say smiling


Everyone comes out the room and we surround George. I take the baby from Theo and kiss his forehead. He's so precious. When he smiles, I fall apart. He the best thing that's ever happened to me.

"Okay Georgie two hands." I say

I hand him the baby.

"Don't be so stiff. Babies can sense that."

I go over to sit next to him and guide his hands to secure that baby's neck and back. And as soon as he smiled George softens his touch and relaxed.

"My boys all grown up." Charlie fake cried and sniffed

"Fuck off." George said in a baby voice

It was time for us to leave we said our goodbyes and got in the car. I let George drive. I strapped the baby in and got in the back seat. Soon we heading home. And George turned to me.

"I love you Pip."

"Really." I smiled

"Yeah baby I love you."

"Okay then marry me George ."

"What." He said shocked

"Marry me." I said

And before I knew it. I heard a loud crash.

Marry me

A/N: don't hate me LMAO I need angst so here y'all go. I love y'all we're almost at 1k reads. Make sure to vote also comment on what should happen next.

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