Chapter Eleven - Old Friends

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   Going outside Lon Lon Ranch, I didn't want to head over to Death Mountain just yet. As a matter of fact, I felt like visiting my old "friends" at Kokiri Forest. I don't exactly know if they're my friends or not or if I can trust them, but I want to see them again after all that I've been through so far. Kokiri Forest was in my line of sight, so I started towards it.

   Thinking about Mido, Saria, the Kokiri lifting rocks and the others, a whooshing of air suddenly snapped me out of my semi-daydream. I turned my head in the direction of the noise, and staggered backwards at the sight that met my eyes. A giant.... round... plant with blades was whirring in the air. It blocked the sunlight, so I only saw it's figure and not the colour. Composing myself, I took a few cautious steps backwards. Navi decided to be helpful again and flew up, and told me a short summary of it.

   "Peahat. It's weak point is it's roots!" she told me.

   The peahat was advancing fairly slowly towards me, and I took a few steps back again. It spun its blades towards me, but its speed wasn't very impressive. I straightened up and walked around it in a circle, and it clumsily tried to follow me, but failed. Scoffing, I turned around and continued on my way towards Kokiri. How could such a huge enemy be of such little threat? I ignored it, hoping to find more of those kinda of enemies that I didn't have to deal with.

   Walking into Kokiri Forest, I found everything to be exactly the same. It was literally exactly how it was when I left it. Even the female Kokiri that was standing close to the entrace was in the exact same place, facing the exact same direction. Shivering a little at the creepiness of it all, the girl turned her head towards me, cocked it a little and smiled. Although this would be regularly creepy, for some reason it was stragely normal. I felt completely at home. Maybe that's what this forest does to you...

   I continued along my way, and glanced at my map. I saw an exit that I failed to explore last time I came here, and decided to go towards it. Walking up the hill and climbing a few vines, I reached one of the highest points in Kokiri Forest. Looking over it, I had a sudden flashback of when I first came here, and had a strong feeling of homesickness. Sighing, I knew I couldn't do anything about it, so I went through the exit.

-Lost Woods-

   The cheerful music overwhelmed my ears as I walked into the forest. I saw three possible exits; one to my left, to my right and straight in front of me. When I walked inside, I was completely lost. I didn't know which way was the right way, and the map that was so helpful to me before showed no terrain in this area. For a moment I contemplated just progressing on to Death Mountain, but decided not to, as I was already here. I might as well take on this challenge, I thought. I walked foreward into the first path and then felt myself getting lifted up. I turned my head frantically; it was dark and I couldn't see what was happening. Suddenly, a flash of green came before my eyes and I was back in Kokiri Forest, before the exit I just came out of. Puzzled, I went back in.

   This time, I went right, expecting the same thing to happen. Flinching, I awaited the flash, but it never came. I glanced around this area and saw two possible ways to go. Not thinking twice, I went into the first one I saw, which was the left path in relation to where I was standing. I came out in a small field the same as the one I had started in, but this one was slightly different. I could see no life forms here, and decided to progress, when suddenly the feathered face of Kaepora Gaebora appeared in front of me. I hadn't even heard him fly in....

   The owl flapped his jaws for a few minutes, and I listened to some of it. The part that I really needed stuck in my head...

   "Just follow your ears and listen to the sounds coming from the forest! Hoot Hoot!"

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