Chapter Nine - The Graveyard

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   Going up to the stairs of Kakariko village, I noticed a change in the music again. This music had a mellow atmosphere to it, giving Kakariko village an almost creepy feel. Coming to the fact that I was being simply paranoid, I continued on. I walked around Kakariko with my head swiveling, inspecting all the little nooks. Walking in a straight line lead me to a natural hallway, and without even checking my map, I went straight in. Maybe, if I was lucky, I'd get to my next destination this way.

   The sky turned slightly grey as I walked into the strange place. Looking around, I noticed a bunch of stones sticking out of the ground... pulling out my map, I realized I was in the Kakariko Graveyard. My eyes widened as I glanced around. I had always been somewhat scared of graveyards, there was just something about them that didn't seem... right. I looked down at my feet, unwilling to see more, and started backing up. Just then, a yellow light caught the corner of my eye; my triforce was glowing. I stopped in my tracks and looked up. It seemed as if the sky had suddenly cleared up, and I took a baby step foreward. Nothing happened. I took another one. Still everything was just as it was before. I took a deep breath and ran towards the first row of graves and stopped in my tracks, trying to hear everything around me. I hoped to hear nothing, I hoped that there wouldn't be anything to be scared of...

   I heard the swishing of air beside me and froze. I stared staight foreward, paralized from fear. A cackling laugh came from the grave beside me as a ghost appeared from it... I gave a tiny gasp. Pullng out my sword, I gathered my courage and backed away from it. It's eyes were emotionless, merely lit slits with no thoughts seen inside them. I stared into the empty eyes as the ghost came closer and closer. Suddenly, Navi flew up, snapping me out of my trance. She hovered over the ghost like it was no big deal.

   "If you stare at the poe with targeting, it will disappear..." she told me solemnly in her small fairy voice. I shuddered as I thought about why the poe was here.

   A ghost needs to have something incomplete in it's past life, or be killed in an unjust way to become a ghost. What would you have to do to become... a poe? The poe inched closer to me, lantern in hand, floating slowly. It stared at me, emotionless eyes suddenly becoming sad. In a quick flash, they turned into hatered. It glared at me, coming closer and closer, planning my death with it's dead brain.

   With Navi hovering around the poe, I stared straight into it's eyes, as the strong hate melted away into slight fear. Maybe poes COULD feel emotions... I took out my dagger and started towards it. Putting my deku shield up as protection, I could feel the poe twirling it's lanturn at me, trying to hurt me. I blocked it's attacks easily, and right when it appeared, I knew what I had to do. Slashing at it multiple times, it wasn't nearly as hard or scary as I'd imagined it to be. I proudly put my sword back into the holder and stared at the ground where the poe once was. It didn't leave anything behind. Had I killed it, or had it just disappeared away from me? I discarded the thoughts and proceeded exploring the graveyard.

   Above the row of graves I was on there was a little hill that lead to a higher plane of land. On the paved road, a little child was walking around. He looked a bit strange, however. He was terribly limping, and his face was scrunched into a disgusted expression. I stared at him, and he suddenly stopped walking and looked up at me, face still in the same position.

   "I'm pretending to be Dampe." he said monotonely, and continued on his way.

   I stared at the kid some more, who no longer payed any attention to me, and decided to move on after a few minutes. There was an even higer plane than this one, and I climbed up onto it instead of going to the side and walking up the hill. At the end of the graveyard, I saw there were threee graves; two at the side and one in the front, all around a big slab of stone. I glanced over at the two at my sides and decided to ignore them for now, and focus on the rather large one that was in front of me. I stood atop the stone and started examining my location; basically, the stone slab I was standing on had a triforce symbol on it, and the way it was facing the large grave was peculiar. I leaned foreward to read what was on the large grave, but was disappointed to find out that it simply said

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