Chapter Two - Kokiri Forest

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Thanks to Zelda Dungeon for giving me the information necessary to make this accurate! I enjoyed writing this so I hope you enjoy reading it.


-Kokiri Forest-

   I looked around, and was automatically amazed. There were little children everywhere, same age as me, all outside at.. whatever time of day it was. The sun was already almost directly above me, and I wondered how long I have slept for. Navi bounded around me in excitement, and everytime she brushed past my skin, a shiver ran down my spine. She was soft, yes, but cold at the same time. Unlike Navi, the forest was extremely humid and hot. There were little bugs floating around everywhere, and soon enough, they didn't even look like bugs. They just blended into the grass and trees and became small, moving lines. I scanned the rest of the forest underneath me, and it was then that I noticed that I was standing on a ledge; my.. room... had been in a tree. I looked at my feet, and saw a small fence surrounding the porch I was standing on, and attached was a lader, which I presumed was my way of getting down.

   Before going down, I looked around a few more times. There were many tree-houses here, and there were occasional patches of grass and circles of rocks. There was one child, I noticed, struggling to pick up rocks from the ground, but failing. He sat down in exasperation, and a Navi-like creature floated down towards him, and nuzzled his arm, probably telling him not to give up. I smiled at the thought; people and the Navi-creatures seemed nice.

   Navi then decided to leap out from behind me again and look at me in the face. She didn't have any eyes, nor did she have a nose or a mouth, so I wondered how she breathed and talked. She spoke again.

   "Link, I'm sure you know this place, why are you standing around here?" She remarked. "This is your home town, Kokiri Forest! You know, the one the Great Deku Tree looks after? You, as a fellow Kokiri, have been chosen to go to the Deku tree and help him with whatever he needs! Stop standing around and staring at the fairies!" She urged me.

   So these magical creatures were fairies. I had thought so, but one can never be too sure. I took a deep breath, and the clean, wholesome smells of the forest was brought to me. I turned around and put a foot cautiously on the top rung of the ladder, and climbed my way down to the bottom. When my feet touched the floor, I heard a girl call out to me, her voice different from Navi's.

   "LIIIIIINNKKK! Over here!" She yelled at me, and I turned around to face a fair girl, with... green hair? She was dressed all in green, and in garments similar to my own. I looked her up and down, confused how she knew my name.

   "Hey Link! Why do you look so confused? I'm your friend, Saria, remember?" She told me. So this girl with green hair was my friend? Interesting that I'd only been in this world for a mere few minutes, and people already seem to know me. Saria continued talking to me. "Wow! A fairy!! Finally, a fairy came to you, Link! Now you're a TRUE Kokiri!" She exclaimed, seeming to be excited. After explaining to me a bit more about how every Kokiri had a fairy except me, I finally began to understand.. sort of. Apparently it was abnormal to not have a fairy.

   I nodded, and she left me to be on my way. Looking around, I saw an exit with a boy standing in front of it. I figured this was my chance to get out of this strange place and find my way back home, so I slowly made my way over to the boy. He was standing in my way when I got to him, so I moved to the side to go around him, but he moved to block my path again. Frowning, I went around to the other side, and yet again he went to block me. Annoyed, I looked at him in a threatning manner, trying to scare him off.

   "Hey Link, where do you think YOU'RE going? I, the great Mido, will not let you pass! If you wish to pass through here, you should at least equip a sword and shield" He yelled at me. I flinched. Did he really feel the need to yell? I sighed, and at that moment Navi bounded out and spoke to Mido. I guess she was going to be my mouth for now.

   "Excuse me, PRINCESS, but we're trying to get to the Great Deku Tree here! HE summoned LINK, you know!" She obnoxiously told Mido.

   "What?! You've got a fairy!? Say what? AND The Great Deku Tree summoned you?? He yelled in disbelief. "...Oh well! I'm still not letting you pass, you've got no sword or shield, you're weak!"

   I sighed and turned away from Mido. What a jerk, I hoped the other... Kokiris weren't like him. I went over to the Kokiri lifting rocks, wanting to get some information on how to get a sword and shield to get pass that Mido character.

   "Mido's making me lift up all these rocks so he can impress Saria!" The Kokiri told me as he wiped the sweat off his brow. I went over to a rock, wanting to help, but failed to lift it as well. I felt his pain, but wondered why he would follow the orderes of that jerk.

   I made my way back to my house and turned to look at the forest. Looking to my left I saw a big hill, and made my way towards it, hoping to find something interesting there. At the top, there was a house, with a sign that read "The Know-It-All Brothers' House" on it. I contemplated going into their house, as they sounded knowledgeable, but my pride took over and I continued on my way. I spotted a bunch of fences lined up, and a lot of signs to go with them. Reading over the signs, I learned how to target an enemy with the help of Navi, jump backwards, jump sideways, do jump attacks... but I didn't have a sword to do these things with. What worried me more was the fact that the Kokiri found it necessary to put up these signs... were there enemies around? At the end of the fence maze, there was a small hole, with yet another sign that read "Forest Training Center" on it. I was just small enough to fit through the hole, and I got on all fours and squeezed myself through.

   On the other side, I appeared in the middle of a grass patch. Suddenly, a diamond looking object jumped out of the ground, appeared above my head and shrank into my pocket. I reached in and took the object out, and it was about the size of my palm. Navi took this moment to come out from behind me, startling me a little, and tell me about it.

   "Link, this is a rupee! I'm sure you know this already, but you look confused, so I'm just making sure. Rupees are the currency in Hyrule, so get used to picking them up this way!" She piped into my ear. "Green rupees are worth one, blue rupees are worth five, red are worth twenty, purple are worth fifty, silver are worth a hundred and gold are worth two hundred!" She added happily.

   Now that I have money, I guess I can get out of here. I checked the colour of my rupee, hoping that it'd be a gold one. Just my luck, it was a green rupee. I sighed, because this meant I had to spend more time in this unfamiliar place. I got myself ready, and set out into unexplored territories.

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