Chapter Three - Gathering and Collecting

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   As I stepped into the narrow path, I noticed a sparkle from the corner of my eye. Turning my head around I could see that it was a blue rupee, so I went to pick it up. As I stepped close to it and was bending down to get it, it zoomed up over my head, like the green one, and flew into my pocket. If this was the way people picked up things in this place, I guessed I was just going to have to get used to it.

   There was a little alcove beside me, and it didn't look like it went anywhere, but curiosity drove me to go into it. Thankfully I did, because at that moment I heard a rumbling behind me, and turned around to see a massive boulder running over the path I was just in. I started shaking a bit from fear, but urged myself on. I really wanted to get home at that point, this strange country was too much for my little ten year old self to bear.

   I peeked around the corner to look for more boulders, but none were coming from the opposite direction. Getting my feet to move, I followed the other boulder around in the narrow passages. I saw another alcove, and quickly ran into it, and just as I did another boulder rolled past me. With a sigh, I ran after this one as well. As I was running, I noticed another niche in the passage. I turned into it, and lo and behold, there was a treasure chest waiting for me. Navi sprang up from exitement and started dancing around it. I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that my quest was slowly progressing. I reached my hands under the lid of the chest and heaved it open. The chest was almost my height, and it was difficult to lift the lid. After the chest was unlocked, I bend over and reached deep inside, and pulled out a sword. Automatically, my hands reached up over my head, and the sword spun around in mid air over them, confusing me even further. Navi bounced around and told me that this was the Kokiri Sword, the hidden treasure of the Kokiri. She told me that I could borrow it for a while, but I had to make sure to practice with it or I wouldn't get anywhere with it. I wondered for a moment where I would put the sword, and glanced back into the chest again, and noticed a small holder. I picked it up, and knowing where to put it, attached it to my sash. I grabbed the sword and tested it, swinging it horizontally. It was a pretty short sword, could've been a dagger, but it would do for now. I reached behind me and slid my sword into the holder. Quickly scanning the new alcove I was in, I noticed that there was no way out, except for the way I came in. Sighing yet again, I gathered my courage and left the way I came in.

   Crawling back into Kokiri forest, I took my sword out again, and marvelled at it's shine. Going to a nearby bush, I swung it again, and completely obliterated it. In its place was another blue rupee. I walked up to it, and as all rupees did, it rose over my head and into my pocket. I reached in and counted my rupees. I had twenty seven rupees, most of them collected on my way out of the maze where I got my sword from. On the way back out, I figured out that if I walked in those patches of tall grass I could find multiple rupees, and not always were they green. Making my way back out of the fences, I thought of going back to Mido, but then remembered his words. He wouldn't let me past if I didn't have a shield... I was going to have to find one.

   Walking around Kokiri forest, I went around searching for where to buy a shield. Walking through tall grass, behind houses, slashing bushes and jumping across floating platforms I found many rupees, but no shield. I decided to visit some houses, maybe a fellow Kokiri could give me a shield. I accidentally wandered into Mido's house, which was full of small chests. Thinking I could open them, get the treasure and close them again, Mido wouldn't notice. He was a jerk anyways, he deserved it. Maybe one of these chests even contained a shield for me! Looking through all the chests in his house, I found out two things; one, they all contained just rupees, and two, when you open a chest, you have to take the treasure and it doesn't close again. Fearing Mido may come and get angry that I took his things, I ran back outside, out of his house.

   After exploring a few more houses, I came to a total of a whopping 73 rupees, but I still hadn't found a shield. I went around for a few more minutes, and noticed one house that I had neglected. There was a girl sitting atop of it, and Navi flew up to her. With Navi's help, somehow I was able to speak to this girl, and she told me that whenever I wanted to focus on one thing, I just had to get Navi to fly up to it. Fair enough, I thought, and I went inside the house. Going into the tree-house, I was surprised to find a shop. Navi swirled out from behind me, and told me that this was the shop and that I could buy anything I wanted, as long as I had the rupees for it and the proper equipment. I went up and talked to the rather bulky shop owner. The owner welcomed me in, and told me to get Navi to select what I wanted to buy. Since Navi knew what we needed, she flew up to the shield.

   "40 rupees" the shopkeeper told me.

   I sighed and handed over more than half my earnings, and was left with a mere 33 rupees. The sheild did the same thing as the sword did; it made my arms lift themselves over my head, and the shield spun in mid air. Navi told me all about the shield too; she said that this basic, wooden shield fits me perfectly, but it will burn easily, so I should keep it away from fire to keep from getting burned. She then explained to me how to use it with my sword, and how she could help me in combat by "locking on" to my enemies.

   With the thoughts of enemies on my mind, I nodded to the shopkeeper as a thank you, and as I was leaving I thought I heard him say "enjoy!"

   Walking back to the exit where Mido was standing, I thought of how sweet it'd be when he saw that I had a sword and shield. He'd have no choice than to let me through. Mido seemed to be the jerk of this small forest, and I now knew why. I walked up to him and he stared at me in amazement.

   "What?! You got a sword... AND a shield?!" He yelled at me. "Well, even with all that stuff,

a wimp is still a wimp, huh? I, the great Mido, will never accept you as one of us!" he continued.

   I shook my head in disgust, this guy was so egotistic while all the other Kokiris were so nice, and then he also had the mind to call himself "great".

   "Shoot! How did you get to be the favorite of Saria and the Great Deku Tree? Huh?! Grumble... grumble..." He went on, but I honestly stopped caring of what he said at that point.

   I stepped around him and continued down the path he was guarding, leaving him standing in amazement and jealousy. So I was the favorite of Saria? That's pretty sweet, because then I pretty much had to be accepted in the Kokiri forest. Down the path to the tree, I saw a giant plant, but it was withered, and didn't look alive. Navi flew up to them and explained them to me.

   "hese withered versions of the regular Deku Baba are incredibly weak. They don't even attack and a single hit from any attack of your own will kill them. The only way for them to hurt you is if you walk into them. I think we can handle them, don't you?" She piped up. I swung my sword clumsily and hit the Deku Baba, and it broke in half and disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving behind a stick. I walked up to it, and just like the sword and shield, it made me hold it above my head while it spun around, and then it zoomed into my pocket. I took it out, and instead of staying small like the rupees, it enlarged into a giant stick. This could come in handly, I thought as I put the stick back into my pocket, where it shrank again.

   I kept walking, and then the Great Deku Tree came into view. It was the tallest tree I had ever seen, complete with wooden eyes, a mustache and a great mouth. It saw me, and started talking.

   "Welcome, Link, I see you decided to come to me. As the servants of evil gain strength, a vile climate pervades the land and causes nightmares to those sensitive to it... Link.... The time has come to test thy courage..." The Great Deku Tree explained to me. As I stared up at it, half confused and half amazed at a talking tree, the Great Deku Tree opened its great mouth, creating a doorway. "Then enter, brave Link, and thou too, Navi...." The tree finished.

   I looked at Navi, and she flew foreward, making me want to follow her. I figured I had no choice, and slowly walked up behind her, and we both went into the Great Deku Tree's mouth.


Sorry this part was a little lengthy, I wanted to find a good place to end it. There will be pictures at the side in almost every chapter, and thanks again to Zelda Dungeon for giving me the information and accurate text.

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