Chapter Six - Hyrulian Explorations

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   I looked before me and saw the vast land that was known as Hyrule. Shaking in my boots, I took a small step foreward, and noticed my shadow travelling across the land by my feet. Looking up, I saw that the sun was pretty much zooming in the sky; much faster than back home at least. Shuddering at this mystery, I started running foreward.

   Halfway down the field the sky began to change from bright blue to a purple pink colour. Hearing some rustling noises behind me, I quickened my pace. As I ran towards Hyrule Castle, my so-called "destination", I noticed a river running down to my right and a high hill with some sort of ranch to my left. Sighing, I assumed that I was going to have to crawl all over this dang land just to get back to my comfortable home. I turned my head back around to face straight towards the castle and kept running. Strangely enough this new equipment wasn't slowing me down in the slightest; in fact, I felt safer and stronger with it, and a bit more agile. I finally reached Hyrule Castle, but stopped in my tracks as soon as I reached the front gate. As a wolf howled in the distance, I looked up at the closed drawbridge of Hyrule Castle. I turned around and sat down on a nearby stone, cupped my head in my hands and looked down, puzzled. Suddenly, I felt a swipe on my shoulder. Half falling off the stone, I looked up to see a skeleton the size of me scratching at me with it's arms. I sprang up, sort of used to random enemy attacks now. Navi flew up as I did so, and started talking to me.. again.

   "Don't be afraid of the Stalchild! Just attack it repeatedly!" She told me. 

   Ah, a stalchild is what these things are called. If it's a child, how big is it's mother... or father? I shuddered at the thought and sheathed my sword, ready for combat. These guys seemed fairly easy, I thought as I killed one. The other saw it's killed companion and burrowed into the ground. As I basked in a moment of pride for warding off a few more enemies, another pair came at me, arms outstretched. I grabbed hold of my sword's hilt, but before I could pull it out, the stalchildren burrowed into the dirt again. Looking up at the sky, I saw that the night was already over and that the sun was coming up again. Night enemies, I presumed. Remembering my other dillema, I turned back around, and the underside of the closed drawbridge was still staring at me. Then, as if on cue, the drawbridge started lowering, and I suddenly felt dizzy again...


   I stood there in front of the opening drawbridge. My Hylian shield sparkled in the foggy moonlight as Hyrule Castle slowly opened it's great mouth. Odd for the market to open at nighttime, I remember myself thinking.

   A white horse ran out at a crazy speed towards me, and I only had enough time to jump to the side without getting trampled. A girl the same age as me that was dressed in a fancy dress rode behind another woman that had a slightly less elegant apperance. While the woman concentrated at riding and steering the horse, the girl looked back at me in dispair. I questioned her look, wanting to help her, but I didn't know what was wrong and why she was running away. The answer came to me seconds later.

   A great black horse rode out of the town. There was a man with tanned skin and red hair on the horse, and he looked down at me with evil eyes. His armour gleamed as his horse stopped and shifted from one leg to another. It reared up and neighed, but this horse's neigh was not like any other. It sounded deeper, more hollow, and overall scarier.

   The man kept staring at me, and I backed up a few steps. He then threw his head back and laughed... and laughed....

-End Of Flashback-

   I shook my head as I came back into the real world. Before, my dreams became nightmares. Now, the're becoming flashbacks? I hope they don't become reality soon... I shuddered, and noticed that it was already near noon. Looking at the lowered drawbridge of Hyrule Castle, that was an exact replica of the one in my dream, I started towards it.

   The first few steps inside Hyrule weren't all that interesting; one lonely guard and one door. I decided to not talk to the guard, just in case, and went through the door although I was always taught never to walk into a stranger's house. Inside this house was a very interesting assortment of pots and crates, and at the end of the room was a guard. He wasn't doing anything, so to test him, I took my sword out and slashed the pot. Inside was a rupee, which I gladly took, but the guard still wasn't doing anything. I swung my sword around a few times, breaking multiple pots and collecting almost ten rupees from a few, but the guard still wasn't saying a thing. I then continued to slash all the pots and take all the rupees inside, but the guard's expression remained indifferent. I looked back at the crates and used my head to break them open... literally. I backed up a little, gained some momentum and rolled into the crate, breaking it open. The crates dropped little rupees, but I still took the two that they dropped.

   Walking out of the house, I stepped into the heart of the market. There were many people here, and the whole place was crowded. There was a couple dancing by the fountain, a young girl singing, multiple people creating lines and even some people on the roof. Stray dogs roamed the market, barking at me and sniffing my boots. As I walked around, I didn't feel any interest into walking in any of these buildings, and just continued down my path. I walked behind the girl singing and hesitated a little; her song intrigued me. I shook my head and remembered my quest, and kept running down the stone pathway.

   Walking outside again, I saw the same owl pearched on the tree. He hooted to get my attention, and said some things that I didn't exactly listen too well to. Kaepora Gaebora said something along the lines of time moves in places such as Hyrule Field, but in other places time stops. I didn't understand the logic behind this, but I just let him fly away, thinking that I heard all that. I ran foreward, only to hear a whistle and I stopped in my tracks. A guard ran up to me, grabbed me under the arms and dragged me back to the place where I started from. Dazed and confused, I sat there, and slowly got up onto my feet. As I walked foreward to try again, I saw the red-haired singing girl from the town. As I approached her, she stopped me.

   "Hello, my name is Malon," she introduced herself. "My father, Talon, went to Hyrule Castle to deliver some crates of Lon Lon Milk, but he never came back. He may have fallen asleep on the way, he IS lazy." she giggled. "anyways, since you're on your way there, can you maybe find him for me? Also, before you go, don't get caught by the guards, they'll just send you back here. Oh and also, can you take this egg I was incubating too?" she finished.

   ...well that wasn't strange, to just give me an egg like that. Navi flew up and promptly explained what was with the egg.

   "Feels like there's something moving inside! Set it to your sash and see what happens!" she explained, slightly chucking at the fact that a strange girl gave an an egg.

   Behind Malon were a couple of vines, and remembering the deceased Deku Tree, I climbed them, and started my journey into the freshly discovered land.


   Sorry I couldn't take more time to write and edit this part, I had a lot to do, but I hope it's still acceptable. AGAIN, thanks to Zelda Dungeon, can't say that enough.

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