Chapter Four - Inside The Great Deku Tree

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   Inside The Great Deku Tree was much different than the outside. Stepping into the tree I saw a great room, and the smell of trees was incredibly strong. I slowly stepped out into the middle of the room; it didn't seem like there were any threats to be found in here. I looked around and saw a spiralling platform going up along the outside of the room, and saw that it went way up into the top of the tree. Moss was hanging around pretty much everywhere, giving the tree a more menacing look. As I stared with my mouth hanging open, I suddenly felt the floor disappear from under me, but I wasn't falling. Maybe it was like one of those RoadRunner cartoons I watched back home, where Wild E Coyote ran off the edge of a cliff and stood in midair for a while before falling off... no, that wouldn't, and couldn't, actually happen in real life. But in this place, who knew...

   I looked under my feet and realized that I wasn't standing in the middle of nothing; I was standing on a huge web. If it was a spiderweb, then wouldn't I either fall through or get stuck in it? I raised one foot cautiously, but it came up completely free of any of the web. Puzzled, I decided to just step off the web. Suddenly, a plant that looked like the withered deku baba launched at me, clapping it's massive jaws together. I stepped foreward with my sword, only to get hit by the strange plant's sudden chomp. I staggered backwards, surprised. I looked myself up and down, expecting to see a flesh wound and to see me spilling out blood... but I was completely clean. Confused, I tried to get Navi out to explain this plant to me, and she gladly flew up and did so.

   "These venis fly trap-like enemies pose more of a threat than their wiggly counterpart. Their long, thin bodies allow them to stretch forward and snap at you quickly. Use your shield to get close and slice them in between strikes." She told me, more serious this time. I guess since they're more of a threat, I should be more careful with them.

   Once again I stepped foreward with my sword, but this time, I planned it out so that I would slash at the regular deku baba after it was done chomping at me. I hit it, and it straightened up automatically. Out of impulse, I slashed horizontally again with my word, and it snapped in half and died. Behind it was another deku stick, I walked over and gladly picked it up, glad to have more items with me.

   Around the room were more deku babas, and I slaughtered them all easily without taking a hit. I was getting better at this sword deal, and I felt unstoppable. After all the enemies were killed, I looked around for a way to get up on the platform and found some vines on the wall. Navi flew up towards them, and I followed her, because all the other times she went over to something something good happened. When I came up to her, she told me that these vines were climbable, like a natural latter. I nodded and placed my hands on the vines. They were hard, and they could easily hold me up. I stretched my hands foreward and put my feet on the vines, treating it like a ladder, and soon I got up to the top. I put my right hand out and grabbed the vines beside me, crawling sideways along them, and dropped down to the platform that was now below me.

   With a sigh, I ran up along the platform, jumping the occasional gaps. On the way, I saw more vines, but they had spider looking things on them with masks on their backs, and I decided not to mess with them. I continued along the path, and at the end was rewarded with a giant treasure chest.

   Maybe this was another sword.. or some sort of weapon.. or maybe even a way out of this enemy filled place, I thought to myself. To my demise, however, the big treasure chest held merely a map. At least I could find my way around this place now, I thought, looking over the map. How could such a tree be so huge on the inside? There were multiple rooms, and it didn't look like I was going to be getting out of here anytime soon.

   Continuing along the path, there was a door to my right. A door... inside a tree? Wondering what it could possibly lead to, I approached it, and Navi flew up again.

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