Chapter Ten - Meeting Up With Malon And Talon

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   I sighed happily as the warm daylight shone on my skin. I hadn't noticed, but I was actually fairly cold from being inside the tomb for so long. Basking in the sunlight for a while, I forgot all my troubles. Until another poe decided to bring me out of my state of mind and back to whatever reality this was.

   I warily opened my eyes and looked around the graveyard. The poe had disappeared, and decided not to bother me anymore. Sighing again, I started towards a random grave. I went behind it and Navi flew up, telling me that I can pull it. I grabbed the smooth back of the grave and my hands stuck to it. Slowly starting to panic, I pulled back, trying to get my hands free, but just ended up pulling the grave back. Once I pulled it far enough, my hands unstuck, and sweating, I glared at my palms. I touched my palm with my index, put I could feel nothing sticky or abnormal about my hand. I shook my head and went towards what I uncovered; just a poe. I quickly defeated it and it left behind a purple flame. Navi briskly explained that it was a poe's soul, meaning I had killed the poor ghost. I ignored the little flame and went towards the base of the grave, and found nothing.

   Pulling back all the graves in the row, I found nothing much that was to my interest. There were many poes, some rupees, and in the last grave I pulled back, a hole. I leaned towards it, trying to find a light at the bottom. I took out my fairy slingshot and shot a seed down into the hole, but nothing happened. I got up, closed my eyes and stepped inside.

   In the grave I could see a small elivated platform with a single redead on it. I approached it cautiously and played the Sun's Song to freeze it, then ran up and stealthily slashed at it until it crumbled to the floor, dead. I looked around the grave and saw a wall with some scribbles on it. Navi flew up and started bouncing around; she went left, down up, then left down up, and kept repeating this pattern. She twinkled as she bounced, and I knew what I had to do. I took out my ocarina again and played the notes of the Sun's Song once more. Suddenly, I heard some twinkles behind me, and turned around to see light surrounding the middle of the platform. The light slowly disappeared and in it's place was a large chest.

   I went up to it, gathered my strength and pushed the lid open. I kneeled over and pulled out what was inside; a glass container with a small heart inside of it. Navi bounded towards me, explaining what I just picked up. Apparently, this was a "piece of heart", and it refilled my energy when I got it. If I collected four pieces, I would make a complete heart, increasnig my durablility by one heart. In the real world, if you got slashed with a sword, you would automatically die. But in this one, however, it seemed like it took a number of slashes to kill someone. I looked down on my sash and saw little red dots; I assumed this was my life. I had four little dots and a quarter of one, which I presumed was the one I just picked up. It was a wonder how I didn't notice the dots before, but I shrugged it off and went back outside.

   Pulling back more graves, I found more useless things such as rupees, recovery hearts that I didn't need and poes, and one more hole. I jumped down it without hesitation this time, as I knew I could always get back out. Once I got down, I rubbed my hands together in anticipation of what I would find. Inside, I was expecting some enemies or redeads or maybe keese, but all I saw was a lone treasure chest. I'll take it, I thought as I ran towards it and kicked it open. Inside was something rather large for such a small chest; it was a big shield; the Hylian Shield. Measuring it with my back, I found that it was too big for me to hold it with one hand and use my sword with the other. It would have to be my backup shield, so I decided to put it in my bag. However, the shield was so large I couldn't understand how to fit it in. When I put it near my bag, it started to shrink. Well, this was convinient. I stuck my shield in, careful not to bend Zelda's letter and started back towards the entrance.

   I left the graveyeard and looked around Kakariko, uninterested. I wanted to go to a calm place, somewhere... that wasn't like the graveyard. My next destination looked like it lead to a place called Death Mountain... and I just didn't want to deal with that after seeing the poes and the redeads. I left Kakariko and looked at my map.

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