"You're funny" he laughed, still messing with my hair.

"I'll only cut it a bit, don't worry" he whispered, leaning down, but holding eye contact with me in the mirror. I went red again.

"I'll only cut a bit" rang through my head as he got out the shavers. My heart sank. Good bye long hair. I really wanted some kind of mullet too.

I closed my eyes, not daring to open them, gripping my phone.

I didn't want to see my hair. I could feel it dropping onto my shoulders and the ground....

"A little bit" I cursed under my breath as I finally opened my eyes to glare at Suhoo who was in the corner getting scissors. He winked. I rolled my eyes.

"You know looking at you, I wouldn't expect such a tsundere attitude from you" he teased.

Looking at you I didn't expect you to be this annoying.

I turned the other way in my chair to avoid eye contact with him. He chucked still. In that time I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I was close to tears.

I had actually forgotten what my face shape was after so long, and I now could see the back of my neck in the mirror. And that horrible scar.

Most of my scars would be covered up, like the massive one in my arm, because it was in the choreography to have a jacket.

Suhoo watched me turn constantly in the mirror, and he saw me pulling at the back of my neck.

"Your hair looks like it grows quickly," he said, only trimming a small portion of my hair.

I did, but I couldn't nod and I didn't want to be vocal with him.

"I'm almost done" he sang, fluffing it up a bit more and moving some of it out of my face.

Evil man.

Watch your back.


I fell asleep as he did my makeup, I had been trying not to breath the whole time.

"Mr Jang? Mr James?" he called waving his hand in my face to wake me up

I groaned. Why do people call me that-

"Because it's your name" he laughed holding his stomach as he doubled over

I guess I said that out loud huh?

"Silly" he was still laughing. i groaned again

"Ahh you're cute" he grinned, flicking my forehead. I glared.

"Now! Look at yourself! I didn't spend 1 hour doing your make up for you to not admire yourself!" he shoved my in front of my mirror

"I could finally do your makeup properly, it's hard to do someone's makeup when they're asleep." he said, leaning on my shoulder as I avoided looking at myself in the mirror.

"Appreciate my art will you!" he moved my face to the mirror.

I didn't recognise myself. My eyes were shiny and I was surprised with the colour in my face.

"Woah! I look so cool!" I beamed leaning forward to look closer.

"My eyes! My eyes look so cool!'' I only leaned forward more to look at myself, slightly blurred because I didn't have my glasses.

"You need these don't you" Suhoo held my glasses up teasingly.

"Hey!" I shouted trying to grab them off him.

"Um no little JJ'' he laughed again.

I glared. People call me anything but my name-

"Sorry, I can't let you wear glasses today" he smirked evilly

Starman | BTS 8th Member | *ੈ✩‧₊˚(editing)Where stories live. Discover now