Athena gripped her broom, both James and Sirius on either side of her. It was dark, and everyone was on a broom or some sort of vehicle. "GO!"

They soared into the sky, quickly whizzing past the wind as they flew through the clouds. They all knew where they were heading, so they didn't need to follow a leader or some sort.

Within the clouds was chaos. There weren't even any death eaters yet, but it already looked like it knew something bad was about to happen. The clouds were grey, visible even though it was the night. Thunder was heard in the distance, as well as lighting being spotted throughout.

It wasn't long until they realised the origin of those chaos. Death eaters, attacking their own members. Athena looked like Harry, and with both James and Sirius next to her, this attracted multiple death eaters.

"Watch out F-" Sirius yelled, however stopping himself before he yelled out the wrong name.

Athena gripped her broom tightly, as well as her wand. Spells were thrown back and forth, dodging the ones being thrown at her. However they were going way too fast. At the rate of the speed the death eaters were attacking them, she was bound to get hit. She parted with her dad and uncle, seeing as they had to fight the death eaters that were aiming for them. She'd tried to help them out, but she already had to deal with those attacking her.

"Bombarda!" She heard, feeling an attack coming at her. She dove down, dodging the spell easily. She turned around, throwing a curse at the death eater that threw the spell at her. That death eater got hit, but Athena wasn't fast enough.

Looking forward, her eyes widened, seeing a bright white light aiming for her. She instantly moved to the side, however it was too close already and had managed to hit her. It grazed her shoulder, leaving the spot bleeding profusely. The pain ached in her shoulder, however she couldn't deal with that as there were still a few attacking her.

It wasn't long until James had come to her aid, Sirius somewhere behind them as he got rid of the remaining death eaters. They weren't far from the Burrow, however Athena's cover had already blown, and death eaters had already realised who she actually was.

"Get the girl! She's another asset to our Lord!" One of the death eaters yelled. At this point, nearby death eaters had practically left the Harry they were attacking and had gone for the girl.

"Why is it always me..." Athena whined, going faster as she moved different directions to dodge the spells being thrown at her.

"We need to be able to get rid of them!" Sirius yelled as he and James caught up with Athena's speed. The three played quidditch, and were fucking gods at it. They were fast, faster than the death eaters as they didn't even use any brooms or such.

Athena scanned her eyes around the area, but there wasn't anything in the area that they could use to rid of the death eaters. They flew through the sky like a bullet, trying to buy time as they tried to think of successful ways.

"Hey Prongs, do you remember the spell that we used to flood the school during our seventh year?" Sirius asked loudly, the wind blowing onto his hair (that'd been half tied-up).

An obvious smug smile formed on the Potter's face. "Are you thinking of what I think you're thinking?"

"On three, we turn around and cast the spell on them, deal?" Sirius stated. The death eaters were at least ten meters from them, and the fact the wind harshly crashing onto them didn't help with hearing either. "One... two... three!"

Athena turned her head around, keeping a tight grip onto her broom as she watched water exit out of Sirius and James' wands, forming a giant blob of water on a spot that the death eaters have yet to go under. It filled up quickly, and before the girl knew it, a giant blob of water formed in the sky.

"Let go!" She heard her uncle yell out, and with that, the blob of water had fallen right on top of death eaters, dragging said people down.

The two let out loud cheers, letting go of their brooms as they raised their arms up. But seeing as they were practically going more than a thousand miles per hour, they had to hold back on to their brooms.


Athena had gotten off her broom, the item falling onto the grassy floor as she was about to go along with it. Sirius had managed to carry the girl, seeing that a whole right side of her shirt was practically covered in blood.

"Inside, now!" Sirius ran, not caring that Remus and Kingsley were coming at them with their wands out. "I have no time for this bloody proof shit, my daughter is bleeding to death- Molly! Help!"

Sirius had put the girl onto the other long couch, seeing that one was already occupied. He, on the other hand, had his ear bleeding, as if part of it had been cut off. "Dear Merlin, not both of them..."

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