Chapter 1

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Kellin's POV

I looked at my new home with an already negative perspective. My mother and I had moved here in this small town from New York after my dad walked out on us. It had been almost a year, and without his support we just couldn't afford the house anymore. Now we were moving in with my Uncle Dave and two cousins, Alexis and Milo. Their mother had died five years ago in a car accident.

The door swung open and Uncle Dave came out to greet his sister in a hug and help with the luggage. The man merely nodded at me to acknowledge my existence. I'd never liked Uncle Dave, but he was doing us quite a favor by letting us stay with him. I would have to suck it up for the next two months.

I entered the house and was greeted by a thin red-headed girl with freckles dotting her face and bright green eyes. She was a full blown ginger and looked to be about 13. She must have been Alexis. I had probably met her before when I was much younger, but the memory had escaped my brain.

"Hi Kellin." She waved awkwardly at me. I waved back and looked around, a bit confused.

"Do you mind showing me to my room?" I asked.

"Sure." She nodded quickly and scurried up the stairs.

I followed her upwards and down the hallway. There were two bedrooms at the end of it and a bathroom connecting them. The room across from mine was blaring rap music, which I wasn't a huge fan of. The door was shut and there was a Keep Out sign hanging crooked on the outside. I assumed it was Milo's room.

Alexis opened the door to my room and let me in. "Here it is. Home sweet home!" she laughed nervously. I nodded at her and she left with a swift movement.

The room had bare, light green walls with a full size bed, a small desk, a mirror, and a closet. The carpet was worn with weird stains and rips. Everything looked as it had ten layers of dust, but at least the bed looked tidy with its plain white sheets and pillows.

I suddenly felt as if I wasn't the only one in the room. I whipped around to every corner trying to see if anyone in the house had joined me. No one was there. How strange.

I decided to go downstairs and see if my mom wanted me to help her with anything. I saw her on the couch with a glass of wine in hand across from Uncle Dave. Alexis sat next to her father.

"Care to join us Kellin?" he asked staring at me. I felt as if I were being analyzed.

"Oh I just wanted to see if-"I was cut off.

"Kellin." My mother gave me the legendary look, which meant there was no chance of returning to my room anytime soon.

"Alexis why don't you and your cousin go up to Milo's room and have some bonding time." Uncle Dave suggested.

I hesitated before receiving another one of my mother's looks. Alexis stood and followed me up the stairs and to Milo's door. She pulled out a key and slipped it into the doorknob. When she opened the door, the smell of smoke lingered in the air with a hint of hot Cheetos. Gross. Milo looked about a year older than me so maybe around eighteen or nineteen. He had buzz cut blonde hair and green eyes to match his sisters. He had an Xbox controller in one hand a Monster energy drink in the other. He was wearing a muscle t-shirt, but the boy didn't have a lot of muscle to show off.

"Fuck do you want kid." He grunted to Alexis, keeping his eyes glued to the Xbox.

"Dad wants us to do some cousin bonding with Kellin here." She told him, rolling her eyes.

Milo looked up from his game for about half a second. "Do you smoke?" he asked casually. I shook my head.

"Damn shame. You can get out of my room now." He stated bluntly.

I nodded and backed away into my room. The cousinly bonding would have to wait.

My room felt colder than before and again I felt watched. It wasn't a bad feeling though. It felt less lonely. No one was actually there of course. I mean, how could there be? I dismissed the thought and decided it was time for a good nap.

A Ghost in the Wall (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now