35: Rome [final chapter]

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Here it is guys, sorry for being late!

Enjoy the last chappie!

Louis wakes up from a loud noise and some cursing and when he looks up he sees Harry lying down on the floor, tears appearing in his green eyes.

Louis rushes out of the bed and sits down besides Harry.

"Love, what's wrong? What happened? Did you hurt yourself?"

"Just fell." Harry sniffs. It's easier for him to talk now than yesterday.

"Did you hurt yourself somewhere? Should I call a nurse?"

"It's fine, Lou. I'm not hurt, at least not more than before." Harry sniffs again.

"Then what's wrong, love? Why are you crying?" Louis' hand goes through his curls.

And Harry is ashamed, so ashamed and he looks down, ignoring Louis' gaze. He doesn't want Louis to be disgusted.

And when Louis sees Harry looking down, he follows his gaze. There is yellow liquid on the floor and Harry's boxers show a bit from under the hospital clothes. There's a huge wet spot in the front. When Harry notices that Louis knows, he cries even harder. It's just shame. He is 18 and he just peed himself in front of his boyfriend because he felt it way too late and his legs gave up on him.

"Baby, it's okay." Louis whispers in Harry's ear. He stands up and carefully helps Harry on his legs again as well. He supports the younger boy and leads him to the bathroom. He puts Harry on the little chair that's in the shower and takes off his hospital clothes and boxers. He throws them in the sink, takes off his own shoes and rolls up his trousers.

Harry is still crying when Louis turns on the water of the shower. He takes the showerhead and checks the temperature of the water before he carefully let the water touch his boyfriend's body.

"It's alright, love." Louis hushes. "Why are you crying? Are you sure you aren't hurt, baby?" Louis asks full of concern.

"It's embarrassing." Harry admits to his boyfriend. "I peed myself in front of you, Louis. I fell because my legs just gave up, I fell and I fucking peed over myself. Who wants to be with a baby like I am?" Harry starts sobbing loud and Louis turns off the water, puts the showerhead back and walks up to his boyfriend with the body soap.

"It's not your mistake, sweetheart." He coos as he starts to wash Harry's back. "You're out of a coma and if you think I care about a little incident like this, you're wrong. I'm just glad you're here, awake and alive, Hazza. I missed you like hell. Don't worry about it. I'll handwash your clothes after the shower and then you have to go for a nap anyways. Nobody else will know, okay? Don't worry. You can wear my spare clothes that I have here and I'll text Niall to get your suitcase okay my love?"

"Thanks for taking care of me, Louis. It means everything. And just so you know, I heard every word you said and I really don't want you to blame yourself anymore. I love you."

And Louis doesn't respond because he doesn't want his voice to show Harry that he's crying. He pecks his curls and keeps soaping his boyfriend before he puts on the showerhead again.


After the boys visited Harry, Louis and Harry are lying down in the hospital bed that's way too small. They don't care though. Louis enjoys Harry lying partly down on him while he plays with his hair.

"Our flight's tomorrow." Louis breaks their silence. "Tomorrow night. Your mom booked it for us. I was on the phone with her while the boys were visiting."

"What time?"

"At ten, have to be at the airport around eight."

Harr nods and snuggles closer into Louis.

"I'm sorry that I ruined the trip." He murmurs, head hidden in Louis' side.

"Don't you dare apologise, baby. It's not your mistake at all. Like I said earlier, I'm just grateful to still be able to hold you. I was scared, Harry, so fucking scared. Whatever you want to do, wherever you want to go, I'll be by your side. I don't care about a stupid acting program. I care about you, my sweet pretty boyfriend. I'm not letting you go anymore. Can't be separated from you, Haz If you want to go to Manchester, I'll go to Manchester with you." Louis smiles with tears in his eyes. He has had a taste from life without Harry and he honestly can't handle going through that ever again. The break up was hard but seeing him lifeless, full of blood on that street, is an image that will never leave Louis' head. He has to protect his angel. He needs his angel here with him on earth, not in heaven.

"I want to have a gap year." Harry says. "I'm not ready to choose anything university related yet. I want to travel with you, Lou. I want to see the world, do crazy things, finish my bucket list. I want to swim with dolphins, learn how to surf, see the pyramids, celebrate Chinese new year. I was so close to death, Lou and I realised there were so many things that I haven't done and I want to do them all with you.

Let's travel together, marry me in some strange country, sitting on a camel as we say 'I do' after some overly cheesy wedding vows that we say in front of some sketchy man from some kind of tribal I don't know...." Harry breathes out as he looks at Louis who is watching him with his jaw wide open.

"Are you proposing to me?" Louis whispers, eyes glued on the green pair in front of him.

"I love you, Louis. I'm never going to find someone like you and I honestly don't even want to try. You are literally everything to me. I heard everything you said when I was in a coma, I could hear you cry, I could feel your hand in mine. You cleaned up my fucking piss Lou and you helped me shower and washed my clothes. I see forever in your eyes..."

"That's funny..." Louis whispers "Because I can see forever in yours." Louis leans closer to the curly boy and kisses him softly, for the first time after the accident.

"I want to go with you." Louis whispers against Harry's lips. "Anywhere you go, I'll be there."

"So we're doing this? We're getting married during a trip around the world?" Harry's green eyes are shining and Louis is sure he has never seen the boy smile like this.

His own heart is thumping out of his chest as well. He is engaged to the one boy he has always loved. It's unreal. Louis always hoped that day would be there, but he surely didn't expect it this early and he also thought it would be him asking Harry and not in a hospital bed after his baby was in a coma for a week.

"On one condition." Louis says in a serious tone.

"Tell me. Anything really, Lou." Harry says nervously, his grip tightening around Louis' hand.

"We skip Italy."

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