31: Rome

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Here you go! 

After having some dinner in a really nice pizzeria the boys decide that it's time to do something that they haven't done in ages: clubbing.

Rome is full of amazing clubs and bars. They decide to go to a cheap café first to get drunk before going to the club where a simple beer is already 4 euros.

The fact that Nick is joining them doesn't really bother anyone. He just gets ignored, even partly by Harry who is sitting on Louis' lap. When they feel like they are tipsy enough, they go the club, Louis' hand protectively around Harry's waist.

It doesn't take long for Niall, Zayn and Liam to storm to the dancefloor. Niall and Liam both want to get laid tonight and Zayn's hobby is literally playing wingman since he has Gigi. That makes only Louis, Harry and Nick that are in the booth, all three of them sipping on a margarita.

"So Louis when are you planning to go back to London?" Nick tries to make a decent conversation with his best friend's boyfriend, not in the mood for another fight with the curly lad.

"I'm thinking after this trip that I stay home for like another two weeks and then I'll go back." Louis answers politely for his boyfriend's sake.

"You go back?" Harry's head turns to Louis and his eyes are big.

"Of course, love. I failed this year but I really much want to try it again. You're coming to London as well, right? We can share a flat?

Harry shakes his head, straw in his mouth.

"No, I'm going to Manchester with Niall. You know that, Louis!"

"How could I possibly know? You never mentioned it." Louis snaps, the alcohol making the boy more sensitive.

"Well I thought because you failed your year anyway you would join Niall and I to Manchester. It doesn't matter for you, right? You tried London, it didn't work." Harry states.

"That's not how those things go, Harry. I have a social life back there as well. I know people, I love the campus and London is great. Just apply for London with Niall." Louis sighs.

"No, Niall and I agreed to Manchester. It's my dream to live there and it's way closer to home. I don't want to go to London, in contrary of you I still care about the people in my hometown and I want to see them from time to time." Harry's voice is getting louder now and Nick quietly goes away, not wanting to have any part in this conversation between two drunk lovers.

"You did not just say that!" Louis stands up and gives Harry an angry look. "I'm not the one who broke us up because of uni, Harry that was you!"

"Well maybe I wouldn't have broken up with you if you stayed in Manchester that's actually a place I would have been able to visit from time to time! But you decided to move to the other side of fucking England, Louis!"

Louis has tears in his eyes and intoxicated from all the alcohol in his body, mixed with the anger, he takes an empty glass and throws it against the wall.

"What the fuck, Louis!" Harry screams. "What's wrong with you?!"

"I don't know! Maybe you saying that choosing the university where they have the program of my dreams is the reason you broke up with me kind of upset me, I don't know!" Louis screams back, his hands shaking.

"You know I didn't mean it like that!" Harry's eyes soften when he sees the hurt expression in his lover's eyes. "It's just... I really don't want to go to London and I don't want us to be separated again, Louis. Long distance is a fucking pain in the ass. This is not a conversation we should have now. We're both too drunk for this."

"I'm not drunk!" Louis slurs. "And I completely understand what you want to say. But I'm done making sacrifices for you, Harry. I'm going to stay in London. I was excited to start this year freshly with you by my side but apparently I'm not."

"Louis, calm down. We're going to talk about this another time, baby." Harry wants to put his hand on Louis' but Louis pulls away.

"I already understand you, Harry. I'm not stupid. You're not doing long distance with me, you never wanted to do that in the first place. Is that why you think now we can go back together? Because you thought I would just blindly follow you to Manchester and give up on my drama program? Because you know bloody well they don't have it there." Louis sobs. "You're making me choose between being with you or my actual dream.

Why did you do it, Harry? Why did you make me fall in love with you even harder than before just to break my heart again? Because you know my dream program is in London, you know you never planned on going there with me and you know that you hate long distance, it's why you broke it off the first time. You knew it was going to end wrongly again!" Louis' hands are shaking and he takes another sip of his drink.

"Louis we're in a club, now is not the time to talk about it!" Harry hisses.

"I think it is. Don't sugar coat it. I'm out of here." Louis steps out of the booth and it takes a few seconds for Harry to realise what's happening. He tries to get through the crowd of people on the dancefloor so he can chase Louis.

"Louis!" Harry screams. "Louis, come back! We can talk it out, just not like this and not in the state we are in now!" the other boy is on the other side of the street but ignores Harry completely, he only flips him off.

"For fuck's sake, Lou!" Harry begs. "Come on, I don't want to fight with you. I just got you back. I can't lose you again. We'll figure things out. I lo-" Harry gets cut off and a loud noise grabs Louis' attention. He turns, eyes red from the crying he has already done, but not ready for the crying that's still to come.

Because there's Harry's body in the middle of the road with a panicked driver on his knees next to him.

Don't forget to check out my new book!

It's part of a series and the name is Sunkissed skin and summer love. 

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