7: Cinque Terre

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Don't forget to comment, I lvoe you all so much btw xoxo

Harry has never really liked just sitting on the beach. Where they live they are not really close to one so if they went it would be with Louis' family. That was always pretty fun. He built sandcastles with the girls, helped Jay solving some sudokus and went of course in the water with his boyfriend where he would always lead him to the deep end so Louis had to cling himself onto Harry.

But now there is none of that. The closest to Louis' sisters is literally Niall who is trying to make a hamburger out of sand, asking every five minutes if 'this looks like cheese' or 'does the burger look big enough'?

"Can you put some sunscreen on my back, baby?" Louis asks sweetly to Marco, handing him over a bottle.

Zayn gives Liam a look and Liam nods. He understands what his friend means. Louis has literally never put sunscreen on his body. They even had fights about it, telling Louis that he will ruin his skin if he doesn't, and now all of a sudden he asks Marco to put it on his back.

Harry doesn't notice it though. He is just staring at Niall and his burger.

"Want to play some volleyball?" Liam suggests, pointing at an empty volleyball net. "I can go to the shop and buy a ball."

"Sounds lit. You know Marco is really good at volleyball." Louis smiles, taking place on his boyfriend's lap. "He is on our university's team."

"That's pretty awesome." Zayn nods. To everybody Louis just looks proud of his boyfriend but again Zayn knows Louis better than... well Louis.

"Harry is bad at volleyball." Niall laughs. "Like he falls more on the ground than the ball."

And when Harry looks over at Louis and Marco he sees Louis biting his lip, trying to hide a smile, but of course Harry is oblivious to that. He only sees Marco grinning.

"I can teach you if you want to, Harry. I'm a trainer and all you know." He offers. God he is nice to Harry even after the hotdog thing. Yeah, this makes Harry hate him even more.

"I'm good. Don't think I'll need it in my life other than on an Italian beach you know. And thing is that weirdly enough I'm not there daily."

Zayn can't help but chuckle at Harry's sarcasm and Niall laughs out loud while Louis rolls his eyes and puts his arm around his boyfriend's waist.

"He was just offering. He is being nice. You should try that some time too." Louis snaps and before Harry can answer, and Zayn is giving his best friend a warning look, Liam arrives with the ball.

"Let's go guys!"


That volleyball went awful is not even expressed strongly enough. It was a disaster.

They decided to let some stupid phone app make teams which separated Louis and Marco. Louis being the drama queen he is, refused to be separated from his boyfriend but after Zayn literally slapped him on the back of his head, he just shut up.

Harry ended up in Marco's team and that was just the worst thing ever. Harry kept falling over and one time he landed right on top of Marco, making Marco's ankle twist. Of course Louis accused him from doing this on purpose and honestly it's not something weird, but it was actually an accident. Harry is just clumsy.

So after they found a doctor they ate something, went to the van and grabbed the guitar so they can do the campfire.

"Louis said that you guys all can sing but I never expected it to be this good." Marco smiles when they are around the fire, having sung some songs already.

"Well, we need to have one talent you know." Liam jokes.

"Harry's fucking amazing." Zayn says handing the guitar to Harry. "You should hear him solo Marco."

Zayn doesn't know why he feels the need to let Harry stand out. Maybe it's because he has been pulled down kind of already all trip even though it's his own mistake for breaking up with Louis.

But all trip has been already about Marco being friendly, Marco paying tickets, Marco hurting his foot. Zayn felt like this is a moment that Harry can shine.

"I uh, yeah..." Harry says awkwardly when he takes the guitar from Zayn.

"I'm going to sing a song that's been stuck in my mind, not for so long actually because I recently start to understand the meaning of it and realisation pretty much hurts like a lot. This is uh, Breakeven by The Script."

Harry starts to play the first chords on the guitar and the only thing that can be heard is the sound of the waves and Harry's voice.

I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing
Just prayin' to a God that I don't believe in
'Cause I got time while he got freedom
'Cause when a heart breaks no it don't break even

His best days will be some of my worst
He finally met a man that's gonna put him first
While I'm wide awake he's no trouble sleeping
'Cause when a heart breaks no it don't break even, even, no

What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you? And
What am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up and you're OK?
I'm falling to pieces, yeah
I'm falling to pieces

They say bad things happen for a reason
But no wise words gonna stop the bleeding
'Cause he's moved on while I'm still grieving
And when a heart breaks no it don't break even, even, no

And what am I going to do when the best part of me was always you? And
What am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up and you're OK?
I'm falling to pieces, yeah
I'm falling to pieces, yeah

Harry stops playing his guitar and puts it down next to him in the sand. Everybody is silent and they got the hint about what Harry was singing, except for Marco of course who has no clue about Louis' and Harry's past.

"That was really good, Harry. Thought about studying music? They have it in our university as well, right Lou? Don't you share singing classes with them?"

"I'm tired and cold. Let's just go."

Louis gives Harry one unreadable look before standing up and then helping Marco to get up and it's only seconds later that he disappears to the van.

Maybe Harry should stop pouring his soul out every single time he has a guitar in his hands. 

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