13: Lucca

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I got my second vaccination and I'm pretty ill from it. But I'm glad I had it though! :)

Louis doesn't get attached easily, but when he is then Louis is the most clingy person you can imagine.

Louis met Harry for the first time on the second day of school from his second year in high school. His friend Niall couldn't stop talking about the boy with the funny curly hair and he asked the group if he could bring him to lunch.

When Louis likes someone very much he can be touchy. The first time he saw Harry his hands were immediately in the bunch of curls and he got attached quite easily to the younger boy. He thought that he was cute and Louis felt the urge to protect him. He held his hand in the hallway, gave him hugs before they had to go to class and of course Louis had to touch his curls from time to time. He was obsessed with them.

It's 26 days later, on the 28th of September that the older boy had the courage to express his feelings to Harry. It was his mother that gave him the strength. He still remembers how he talked about Harry during dinner and that his mom had to leave the table and came back with a tissue to wipe her tears away because her little boy was in love for the first time and she was so proud.

And ever since that day Louis didn't leave Harry's side. Louis was pretty possessive and he admits that he has done things to boys and girls who came too close to Harry where he wasn't proud of, but not even Louis Tomlinson is perfect.

And after a six year relationship and a one year break, Louis is at the exact same point where he was at his second day of school six years ago. Harry and he are friends but Louis can't resist the urge to not touch him and protect him even though they just left his boyfriend's house like an hour ago. He pulled Harry's head on his lap and he is playing with his hair. It's Louis' favourite thing to do and he has missed it so much.

"I'm really confused. Harry you could have told me if you were back together okay." Niall says when he looks at his two best friends, Zayn and Liam being in the front of the car.

"We're not together, Niall. I have a boyfriend." Louis corrects the Irish boy. "We're just friends. We talked everything out, right Haz?"

"Mm..." Harry moans with closed eyes not really paying attention to his friends. He loves Louis' touch and his hands in his hair is pure heaven.

"Alright, so when are you going to play with my hair then, Louis?" Niall pouts.

"The day you have long brown curly hair." Louis answers without looking at Niall, only having eyes for the boy in his lap.

"I will actually let my hair grow only to make it happen, Louis." Niall smiles proudly

"And I will shave it off right after you grew it . So better stay blond with short hair you Irish dork."

"I forgot how evil you can be, Tomlinson." Niall puts his hand on his heart. "That hurt, you know."

"Don't call him evil, Ni. He is really sweet." Harry speaks up for the first time.

"And that's why I play with his hair and not yours." Louis sticks out his tongue to Niall.

"But you just said it's because of the curly hair!" Niall argues.

"Whatever. Here, I stole some biscuits from Marco's house. Why don't you go sit over there and eat them?" Louis throws the box of biscuits to the mattress on the other side of the van and Niall follows it like a lost puppy, immediately putting them in his mouth.

"Can't believe he's your best friend, Haz. He's a dog." Louis chuckles, his hand still going through Harry's curls.

"Also loyal as a dog. Don't forget that without him I wouldn't have met you." Harry opens his eyes and he immediately stares into Louis' blue pair.

"He gets a bonus over there. I'll buy him a burger." Louis jokes.

"Is that what I'm worth to you? A burger?" Harry pouts, showing off his big sad green eyes to Louis.

"Of course you're not worth a burger Haz but can I give the kid like a billion castles? Don't think so right. I'm not that rich."

Harry blushes and he hides his face in Louis' stomach. Louis wonders if he can hear the butterflies screaming his name but he hopes he doesn't. He has a boyfriend, Marco, who is good to him and Harry left.

His thoughts don't stop him from touching Harry's curls though. He wraps them around his finger, makes little braids,... When the van stops suddenly Harry falls which causes to make Louis fall as well, both of them being on the ground.

"Oops." Harry blushes.

"Hi there, clumsy." Louis smiles at the boy looking at him fondly. "Good to know you still are btw."

"Shut up!" Harry wants to stand up but the second he is back on his feet, the van starts driving again which causes him to fall on top of Louis, again.

"Guess you're falling for me, Styles." Louis winks, laughing with how clumsy his Hazza still is.

And Harry can't help but stare right into Louis' ocean blue eyes, there faces almost touching when he answers him.

"Guess I am..." 

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