23: Florence

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I love you all xoxo enjoy this chapter

Break ups are always hard, even if you weren't the one in the relationship that was madly in love. Louis wasn't head over heels for Marco, never been, but he lost a person in his life that cared a lot about him and Louis cared about him too, just not in the same way. He lost someone that did pick up the pieces of his broken heart, that tried to make him happy, that sacrificed so much for him. Louis is sad, sad that he lost Marco but he also realises that Marco deserves so much better, someone that can give him back the same amount of love as he shares.

It's obvious that Louis is crying when he enters the hotel room that he shares with Harry. It's not a loss of someone he loved, but a loss of someone he cared about and it can hurt just the same.

"Lou?" Harry gives Louis a worried look when he sees his red swollen eyes. He runs to the boy, immediately closing him into his arms.

"We broke up." Louis sobs. "And I'm so relieved about it. It's like a weight is lifted from my shoulders because I obviously wasn't really in love with him but it hurts so much too, Harry. I hurt him so much and I never meant to cause him that feeling. I've been through it myself and it's literally killing me knowing that I'm the one that brought him down like this. He removed me out of his life and honestly I would have done the same but I still care about him, Haz. I feel bad, guilty for starting a relationship with him knowing very well that I would never get over you."

"I'm proud of you, Louis." Harry whispers. "And I'm so sorry."

"No you're not. You've been waiting for us to break up since the beginning you little shit." There is a hint of humour in Louis' voice even though he is still crying.

"Look, Haz. I'm not feeling good right now. Is there anyway that I can have the room alone for a bit? I need to think." Louis whispers as he wrestles himself out of Harry's grip.

"Of course. Niall asked me earlier if I wanted to go to a bar with him. I said I wanted to check with you but yeah, I can go with him if that's what you want. If there's anything just text me, yeah? I'll be back."

Louis nods and kisses Harry's cheek.

"Have fun with Niall."

"Thanks. I mean it, Lou. If there is anything just call me yeah?"

"I will. There's also Zayn and Liam here. Think I need a good talk with good old Zaynie."

Harry gives Louis a weak smile and nods.

"He's sharing with Niall. Should I tell him to come over?"

"If you want to?"

"Of course. Take care, Lou. Take as much time as you need. If you want me to crash with the other guys tonight then..."

"No! No, it's just a little time alone Haz. Go have fun and I'll see you later, yeah?"

Harry nods, kissing Louis' forehead before he leaves the room.

It's only a few minutes later that Louis hears a knock on the door.

"Hey there..." Zayn enters the room with his arms wide open. Louis immediately lets himself fall down in Zayn's arms and sobs loudly.

"I'm such a horrible human, Zayn. I've hurt him so much."

"You're not." Zayn shakes his head. "Really, don't say that. You're not a horrible person because you're not in love with someone. You never knew all of this would happen, you never knew Harry still loved you and you never knew that you would feel so strongly about him after seeing him for the first time in a year. You tried to move on, you tried to love him, you tried to give him your all. You can't be blamed Louis because of a failed relationship. It's not your mistake. You don't control your heart.

You've made correct choices. You didn't cheat on him, you told him the truth of why it's not going to work, you've been honest to Harry about everything as well. Instead of thinking you are horrible, be proud of yourself Louis. You're 18 and you've handled such a messy situation like a grown up. You've been honest, you thought everything through and in the end you would have hurt someone anyway. It's sad for Marco that it's him but would you rather have lost Harry?"

Louis' body literally shakes, his head going from left to right frantically. No, no he can't lose Harry, not again. It makes him physically sick.

"Go get some rest Lou, okay? If there's anything knock on my door or text me. Liam and I are staying here."

"Love you, Zayn."

"Love you, Lou."


It's two hours later when Louis wakes up from his nap. When he looks next to him there is still no Harry and he doesn't know why but it is enough for him to start to cry again.

"Louis? Lou, babe hey!" and Louis gasps loudly when he hears his voice and Harry's arms are wrapped around him.

"You're here..." Louis sobs, his head hidden in Harry's chest.

"Of course I am, love. Couldn't stay away too long from you. I was just brushing my teeth. Is that what made you upset?"

Louis nods ashamedly. God his emotions are like his sisters when they talk about their crushes. He feels like a fourteen year old teenage girl.

"Let's go to sleep. You need rest." Harry takes off his shirt and Louis follows his example. It's pretty hot in the room and none of them could ever sleep with too much clothing on.

Louis' head is resting on Harry's naked chest, making patterns with his fingers on his skin. The lights are out and right before they fall asleep, Louis sings softly, copying what Harry sang during the campfire, just a little bit different.

"What am I supposed to do when a part of me will always love you?

How am I supposed to say that I'm too scared that you won't stay?

My heart is in pieces, yeah. You can fix those pieces, yeah."  

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