20: Pisa

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I feel like after four chappies a day you should all call me president or something 

The mood between the boys wasn't honestly that awkward. Yeah Louis and Harry were both off during dinner but never the less they had fun.

"Should I ask the bill? Today's on me." Louis tries to smile, ignoring the image of fucking Nick Grimshaw's lips on Harry's. It makes him sick, so fucking sick.

"Yeah, cool." Niall agrees and waves at the same waiter Louis called earlier.

"Can we have the bill, please?" Louis asks.

"Of course." A few minutes later the man is back.

"So where are you guys from? You're on holiday here?" the waiter makes some small talk.

"They're all English and I'm Irish." Niall answers, him being the most sociable of the group. "And we're actually doing a road trip. We started in Milan where my friend lives." Niall says pointing at Zayn.

"Oh that sounds pretty cool! When are you leaving again? Tonight there's the light festival at the river so I advise you guys to leave after that. It's beautiful and very memorable. I'm going myself with my kids as well after my shift is done."

"You up for it guys?" Liam asks. "Because I personally want to go check it out."

"Me too." Louis agrees. "I love these kind of things."

All the boys agree. Louis pays, gives the man a very nice tip because of the information he gave them and they take their time walking towards the river. It isn't that close to where they were now.

Harry Niall and Liam are walking in the front while Zayn and Louis are a bit behind.

"How are you doing?" Zayn asks when the others are far enough from them.

"I've overreacted, I know." Louis sighs, not even answering Zayn's question.

"I guess you did a bit, can't blame you though. Old Grimshaw has always had something for Harry."

"I'm going to kill him when we're back from the trip." Louis groans. "For real, Zayn. I'm going to beat the shit out of him."

"I don't doubt that. I'll give you a hand." Zayn smirks.

"You're coming back to Holmes Chapel for a bit?" Louis' eyes are happy and hopeful and Zayn nods.

"Yeah, I'm going to visit the family. Gigi is joining me."

"Great. It will feel like old times then." Louis smiles.

"Speaking about old times, Lou..." Zayn looks at Harry and Louis follows his gaze.

"I know..." he mumbles. "I have to talk to him. It's just... It's like... I don't know how to explain it. I really want to be with him and god I want to kiss him so badly. I feel so guilty for feeling this way because of Marco. Marco is literally an angel, Z. He does everything for me and I know that he won't leave me like Harry did. But Harry is Harry and I've loved him before even knowing the meaning of that word. But I clearly don't trust him anymore, not enough to try again right now. You've seen my reaction, Zayn. You've seen me earlier when Niall said he kissed fucking Nick. I want to believe him that it didn't mean anything and I do believe him deep in my heart. He wouldn't lie to me anymore but then there is this voice in my head telling me that if he is able to leave me one time why wouldn't he do it a second time if things aren't going his way?"

"I see where you are coming from, Lou but you are never really sure if someone stays in your life, for sure not romantically. There can always something happen that makes two lovers separate. I mean who knows Gigi meets an amazing guy while I'm away with you guys. Doesn't mean I'm going to stay at home 24/7. I trust her but that doesn't mean my trust can be broken and it doesn't mean I won't break her trust.

You don't know what Marco's doing now. Not to make you insecure, Louis but you are here now and he is at home with all the people he knows already all his life. Love can never be assured and if it isn't meant to be then it doesn't matter how devoted you are, you'll break up one day anyway. Marco gives you his all now Louis but you don't know if he can keep it up if he feels that your heart isn't completely his..."

"It's really obvious, isn't it?" Louis sighs, staring at the boy in the middle.

"It is, Lou." Zayn nods. "And I understand your trust issues but Harry has been honest with you earlier about what happened that night and you pushing him away because of it won't help your case. You can't let him be sad because of something that happened during your time split up where he was being honest about." Zayn puts his hand on Louis' shoulder and Louis gives him a weak smile.

"I'm literally nothing without you."

"I know." Zayn smiles proudly. "But that's what best friends are for."

"Who do you think I should be with?" Louis' question is stupid. He has felt the direction Zayn tried to lead him to, but he wants to hear it out of his best friend's mouth.

"With the one your heart is beating for."

"I hate your clever answers, mate." Louis groans.

"But you know who I mean, don't you?"

Louis rolls his eyes but nods.

"Guys, we're here! It already started!" Niall exclaims when they see the river in a distance, water shooting up with different lights in them. The boys decide to make a spring closer to it and when they found a good spot to see everything, Louis walks up to Harry and hugs him from behind, his head resting on Harry's shoulder.

"Sorry for reacting the way I did earlier." Louis says, grabbing Harry's hand in his, still hugging him from behind. "It's still hard for me, Harry but I promise I'm trying to trust you. I just need time."

Harry turns around and closes Louis in his arms, hiding his face in the crook of Louis' neck.

"We'll be fine. Take your time. Now let's watch the lights, Lou they are beautiful." And Harry turns Louis around, Louis' back resting against Harry's chest and Harry puts his arms protectively around Louis' waist, his chin resting on Louis' head. They watch the lights in the river and as beautiful as they are, Harry will always prefer the little lights in Louis' eyes when he's happy and the other way around.  

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