6: Cinque Terre

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So what do you all think of Harry' s reaction? Lemme know xoxo

After the hotdog incident things got pretty awkward. They just went to a bar right after for a drink and that time consisted out of Harry sitting in a corner sipping his juice, Niall being loud, making new friends and drinking beer with them, Marco and Louis making out like teenagers and Zayn and Liam escaping those idiots to play pool.

"Maybe we should drive straight to Marco's place and skip Cinque Terre." Zayn sighs while fixing up his cue. "Harry, Louis and Marco will be impossible."

"Marco is not the problem, Zayn." Liam manages to play the red ball in. "It's Harry that's being a dick, not him. Marco has been nothing but nice and he is good for Louis."

"I know." Zayn nods as he is watching his friend play. "But if you like it or not, Harry was our friend before Marco and this road trip was supposed to be only the five of us. I don't mind Marco but look at him, Li."

Liam puts his cue down for a second to look at Harry who is sitting by himself, straw in his mouth, looking heartbroken as he watches Louis and Marco.

"He broke up with him, Zayn." Liam sighs.

"And I'm pretty sure he regrets it. Be honest, is Louis this clingy towards Marco in London as well?" Zayn rises his eyebrow and Liam seems to think.

"I mean, they are always together, just not... That affectionate maybe." He hums, putting his finger on his chin.

"I know Louis since birth. He is being like this to rub it in Harry's face. They are both being toddlers." Zayn shakes his head and focusses back on the game.

"I guess they are." Liam agrees.

"I give them three weeks, if not less." Zayn says after he shot.

"Three weeks?" Liam gives him a confused expression while drinking from his coke.

"Three weeks and they are back together."


It's three in the morning when the pub closes and that's also when they finally decide to move to their next destination.

"I'll be driving. It's only three hours so I'll manage the drive by myself but it would be nice if someone sits in the front with me." Zayn says as he unlocks the van.

"Marco and I will join you." Louis says. He wants to avoid his ex and spending some time with Zayn and his boyfriend sounds pretty nice. He has missed Zayn a lot.

Harry, Niall and Liam move to the back of the van and Niall immediately passes out on the couch, being drunk as fuck, while Harry just keeps staring at the front where Louis' head is resting on Marco's shoulder.

He has been witnessing their affection all night and it makes him literally sick. He wants to jump off a cliff, for real. It breaks his heart. He thought he was doing alright, that he was managing without Louis and that breaking up was the best for both of them, but it seems like only one of them got out better

And that's not himself.

"You don't have the right anymore to look at him like that, Harry." Liam shakes his head as he watches the curly boy glaring at his ex-boyfriend and his new lover. "You broke up with him, he has been begging you all summer to not leave him and now that he finally moved on you are going to act all territorial? It's not fair to Lou, Harry."

"You don't have the right to tell me what to do." Harry snaps even though he knows that his friend is right. He broke up with Louis. He was the stupid one in the situation and now he has to witness how a boy that loved him once with all his heart, is now giving his love to someone else.

"Why did you break up? It's just... I try to understand you. You seemed so sure about the split and now that Louis has moved on you are being bitter."

"I'm not being bitter!" Harry defends himself.

"Harry, you literally refused to buy the guy a hotdog and you didn't even thank him for the tickets. You are bitter."

"I don't want to talk about it. Let's just have a nap, yeah?"  Harry takes place on the mattress in the very back while Liam just sighs and shakes his head, playing games on his phone.

This road trip is not going to be drama free and he knows it already on day one.


Around seven o'clock the boys arrive in Cinque Terre. The three boys that were in the front join the others and look for a spot to sleep. Niall and Liam ended up on one mattress with Harry and now the couch and one more spot on the mattress is free. The bus isn't really made for six people. Five is really the max.

"We can share the couch." Louis whispers, not wanting to wake up the others. "Go have a good sleep on the mattress, you deserve it."

Zayn agrees and it doesn't take long for all of them to have a good sleep.

It's noon when they start to wake up from the heat inside.

"We should have put the windows open." Liam groans, feeling himself gross because he is sweating.

"We should have." Niall agrees. "So, what's the plan?"

"Beach day? You know to have an easy start and then at night campfire with the guitar and stuff?" Zayn suggests.

"CAMPFIRE!" Louis' eyes light up only thinking about the fact that he is going to sing with his best friends again. They used to have a campfire every Friday in someone's garden but obviously that stopped since everybody split up.

"Sounds cool, I'm in." Harry smiles, feeling his heartbeat going faster when he sees how happy Louis is.  He wants to be the reason of that smile again, not some stupid campfire or Marco, no, only him.

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