32: Rome

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Here you go... 

"Harry? Harry!" Louis immediately runs to the street, pushing the driver aside and takes Harry in his arms, not caring about the blood staining his clothes.

"Harry, come on baby open your eyes." He shakes the boy carefully. "Come on, my love, open." His voice is desperate and tears are falling down his cheeks. "Harry open your damn eyes!" he screams. "What are you staring at? Call a fucking ambulance you idiot!" he screams at the man who just stands there and stares.

"HELP!" Louis screams. "Please someone, help!" A scream full of pain, like his soul gets pulled out of his body escapes his mouth. It's he most heart breaking scream in the existence of mankind, nothing compared to the one from Heathcliff in the famous Wuthering Heights books.

And it doesn't take long for people to gather around them. They come out of their houses, out of the club and also the boys come out to see what's happening.

"Don't die on me, Haz." Louis sobs. « Please, I'm so sorry, I'm so fucking sorry." He burries his face in Harry's curls. "Don't leave me."

Sirens sound in the background and they come closer and closer. Louis can't hear them. He can't hear the boys asking him questions about what happened. Everything around him is a blur except for the boy in his arms, his angel.

"Sir, can I kindly request you to move away?" a man asks, ready to put Harry in the ambulance.

"I'm not leaving him!" Louis states, his arms wrapped around Harry.

"Sir, we need to move him. Please,.."

"I'm not leaving him!" Louis screams, tears falling down his cheeks. "I'm not leaving him, I'm not leaving him, I'm not leaving him!" Louis' hand goes through Harry's curls.

"Louis, hey mate." Zayn carefully takes a step closer. "Those people have to care of Harry yeah? They are going to make him better. Come on, Lou."

Louis cries so hard that even people who have no connection to the boys get teary eyes, the sounds he makes breaking everybody's heart.

Zayn carefully takes Louis by his shoulders and pulls him away from his lover while the men bring Harry to the ambulance.

"HARRY!" Louis screams. He fights against Zayn, trying to get out of his grip and Liam quickly jumps in to help holding Louis. He is small and he might not seem like the strongest person on earth, when it concerns Harry Louis can fight an army and win with his eyes closed.

"Let go of me! Let me fucking go! HARRY!" Louis screams again, still trying to get out of their grip.

"We're going to Harry, Lou." Zayn tries to sound as calm as possible even though he wants to cry so badly himself. He can't now. Louis needs him more than ever. "But first you need to calm down okay? Breath with me, I know you can do it. Breath, Louis. Inhale..." Louis calms down a bit and follows Zayn's breathing.

"Good, Louis. I'm proud of you. We're driving to the hospital now, yeah?" Louis only nods, feeling powerless and tired. On their way there Niall drives, Liam and Nick sit beside him and Zayn holds Louis in his arms, playing with his hair to keep him calm.

It's about fifteen minutes later that they arrive at the hospital. They immediately ask for Styles and the woman kindly tells them to wait for a doctor in the waiting room.

Louis hasn't stopped crying. His head is resting on Zayn's shoulder and after his screaming match on the street he hasn't said a single word.

"This is your fault." Nick snaps when they are in the hospital, pointing at Louis. "Your fucking fault, Louis. If he dies I will kill you myself!"

"Shut up!" Liam hisses. "This is nobody's fault. Accidents happen, Nick."

"If he wasn't being such a baby about the fucking university and ran out of the club this wouldn't have happened! Harry wouldn't have followed him and he'd be okay now!" Nick screams with tears in his eyes.

"I will fucking kill you if you don't shut up." Niall screams back at Nick. "Don't you have eyes? Can't you see that he is already suffering enough without you pointing a finger at him?"

"I don't deserve your support." Louis' voice is hoarse, not sounding healthy at all. He barely sounds as himself. "Nick is right. It's all my fault. If he doesn't survive or something major is wrong with him, I-" tears that were rolling slowly over his cheeks are going faster again and sobs leave his mouth. "I'll never forgive myself. It's my mistake. I promised him I'd never hurt him and..."

"Louis, stop." Zayn interrupts the boy. « It's not your fault. Couples fight, it's normal. How it ended is not on you." Zayn shakes Louis from left to right to comfort him. "It's not on you, Lou and I'm sure that Harry would kick your ass now for blaming yourself."

Louis' breathing gets uneven and his body starts to shake again. As much as his friends try to comfort him, it doesn't work. He looks at his clothes that are covered with his lover's blood and he remembers how lifeless Harry was in his arms. He starts to cry again, scream like a madman and he doesn't remember how but everything gets black after a while and he is tugged in a warm bed.

"Thank you so much." Zayn thanks the nurse that gave Louis an injection to make him fall asleep. It's the first time that the boy allows himself to cry too. "It's very difficult for him. The curly boy from the accident, he is his boyfriend."

"I'm so sorry." The woman gives Zayn a sad look. "Do you want me to get you some coffee?"

Zayn shakes his head and he just takes place on the chair next to Louis' bed. He thanks the woman again, she gives him a warm smile and leaves the room.

"Hey, Z." Liam enters the room and takes place on the arm stand of his chair. "How's he doing?"

"He's asleep." Zayn wipes his tears away. "I'm so scared, Liam. I'm so scared what's going to happen."

"Me too. We still haven't heard anything from Harry and Lou is going to freak out again when he's awake."

"You know what's the worst, Li?" Zayn is fully crying now as he looks at his best friend in the hospital bed.

"If something happens to Harry, if he is really dead, we don't lose one friend." He sobs. "We lose two. Louis will never get over it. He won't be able to live with himself."

"I know." Liam nods. "But they'll be alright, Z. Harry is a fighter and he will survive all of this and Louis will be there to hold him when he opens his eyes. They'll be alright."

"Harry looked lifeless, Li." Zayn sobs. "He looked so lifeless and the look in Louis' eyes scared me even more because he looked as lifeless as Harry did."

"Both will be fine, Z and both will look back alive when they have each other. They are fighters."

"I don't have a family, Li. I grew up with Louis. I can't lose any of you..." he sobs. "Can you call Gigi please?"

Liam nods and grabs Zayn's phone, taking one more look at Louis who is sleeping.

And Liam understands what Zayn means.

He looks white, his face still wet from all the shed tears,...

He looks as lifeless as Harry. 

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