24: Umbria

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Here you go my loves! I love every single one of you!

except for Simu

okay no that's a joke. I love Simu too

a bit. 

Louis barely slept. Of course Marco was on his mind. But when he woke up the next morning with Harry in his arms and there wasn't a reason anymore to feel slightly guilty he knew for sure that he made the correct choice, that now it's just a rough patch he has to go through but when he is ready there is Harry waiting for him, ready to give Louis all of his love.

Right now Harry, Louis and Zayn are in the back of the van on their way to Umbria while Niall is driving and Liam stays with him.

"I spy with my little eye... something small!" Zayn says.

"Louis?" Harry guesses.

"Yes!" Zayn high fives the curly lad and Louis rolls his eyes.

"I spy with my little eye two assholes." Louis snaps, crossing his arms.

"Oh, baby come here." Harry wants pull Louis on his lap but he stands up and moves from the couch to the mattress.

"No way you get to hug me after you called me small." Louis pouts. Harry follows Louis and takes place on the mattress next to him.

"You are small, but that's alright Lou. It's cute." Harry coos, kissing Louis' nose.

"You do remember that there was a time that you were smaller than me, right?"

"Of course I do. The only difference is that I actually grew in high school, baby." Harry chuckles.

"Take that back." Louis' lips are in a tin line.


"Take it back, Styles."

"Never in a million years." Harry laughs.

"You're so going to regret this." Louis tackles Harry and jumps on top of him, starting to tickle the younger boy.

"Say I'm big." Louis threatens.

"Hahahaha, Lou stop please." Harry wrestles under Louis and a smile place on the older boy's face.

"Then say I'm big." He grins.

"My mom taught me not to lie, Lou. AAAH! Please stop!" Harry begs when Louis moves to tickle him on the ribs.

"You know what to do, Curly."

"Okay fine, fine! You're big, Lou. You're basically a giant! Please stop!" Harry begs.

And Zayn starts to laugh so loud from the couch when Harry says those words.

"A giant, Harry? For real? Is that how whipped you are?"

Louis rolls off Harry after pecking his forehead.

"See, it wasn't that difficult." Louis feels fulfilled.

"I'm never staying in the back anymore if it's only the two of you." Zayn groans. "Imagine when you're back together. I'll be traumatized."


"So basically these are all kind of medieval-roman villages?" Harry asks for confirmation.

"Yeah, they are. They are really beautiful." Liam says. He can apply for a job in Italy as a tourist guide after the trip, for real.

"Why do we only do boring stuff?" Louis huffs, his head leaning on Harry's shoulder. "For real, if it's another church Payno I'm going to jump off a cliff."

"No you're not." Harry pulls Louis in front of him and wraps his arms around his small waist.

"But it's an underground city!" Liam argues. "That's cool!"

"Oh hell no! I've watched a documentary about one like two years ago and it was full with evil people that tried to kill everybody! And they looked scary as hell!" Louis voice is stern.

"Baby, those people were ghosts and it wasn't a documentary, it was literally an episode of Ghost Whisperer. I think we're alright." Harry smiles, placing a kiss on Louis' cheek.

"You better keep me safe then, Styles."

"Always." Harry's grip around Louis' waist tightens and the older boy smiles, putting his own hands on Harry's.

"There is also a waterfall we are planning to visit."

And this catches Louis' attention.

"I love waterfalls! They are so pretty! Hazza, we're going to visit a waterfall!" Louis jumps like a five year old with a big smile on his face and Harry laughs, taking his hand to calm him down.

"I know you like them, Lou. We should visit the waterfall first right? To make Lou happy?" Harry looks at Liam.

"But it's easier if we..."

Louis' face falls a bit and pouts his lip, his blue eyes big and sad.

"We're visiting the waterfall first." Harry states when he sees the boy he loves.

"Ugh, fine. I can't deal with any of you." Liam groans as he opens the map.

"Yes! Let's go!" Louis takes Harry's hand in his and starts running.

"Lou! It's the other way!"


It was quite the walk to the waterfall but Louis' happy face is worth everything.

"Did you know there is a myth about this waterfall?" Liam asks the boys.

"No mister Payne the history teacher, please tell us all about it." Louis rolls his eyes as he takes place on a rock, pulling Harry on his lap.

"Because you asked it so nicely I will Louis.

So there was this really beautiful nymph. Here name was Nera and she fell in love with a shepherd. But there was this jealous lover of the nymph, Juno, who transformed Nera into the river and then he threw himself over a cliff, right into the river so they could be together forever till eternity. And that's how the waterfall is created."

"That's just pathetic." Louis scoffs. "I mean, just move on already."

"Says the one that literally pushed someone into a shelf in the supermarket." Liam mumbles and Niall starts to laugh very loudly.

"Harry!" Louis whines. "That's not how it went!"

"Sure, Louis." Zayn rolls his eyes. "If there is someone that can't judge jealous lovers, it's you."

"Like Harry is better." Liam comments. "Mister five hotdogs."

Louis and Harry both glare at the other three.

"We're not jealous, right Haz?" Louis looks at the boy next to him, his look softening immediately.

"Of course we're not. They are just being dramatic." Harry agrees.

"See! Now, Zayn, can you take a picture of Haz and I with the waterfall in the background?" Louis asks handing his phone to Zayn.

"Of course." Zayn takes Louis' phone and Louis just hugs Harry, his head on the level of Harry's chest while Harry's arms are around Louis' waist. They don't look at the camera, only have eyes for each other. Louis looks up at Harry and Harry down at Louis, a small smile playing on both their faces.

"I love this picture." Louis says when Zayn gives him back the phone, showing it to Harry as well. "Can I post it Hazza?"

"Of course, Lou."

Louis opens Instagram and uploads the picture. "I'm going to do a wordplay as well as caption, Haz. Just as you did."

He smiles proudly when it's uploaded and shows it to Harry.

I (water)fall for you all over again <3 

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