8: Cinque Terre

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So this is really the last one, enjoy :) 

It doesn't take long for the other other boys to go to the bus as well. They all want to have a proper sleep before going to Barga.

Finally they are going to drop off Marco, fucking finally.

When they are at the bus they see Marco sleeping on the couch by himself, probably to avoid that Louis hits his ankle or something in his sleep. Louis took a blanket and a pillow and sleeps on the floor beside his boyfriend. It's freaking adorable.

"I'm going to put my alarm at 9 so we'll be in Barga around noon." Liam announces. "I'll drive."

"Cool." Zayn agrees. They all look for a spot on one of the two mattresses and it only takes a few minutes to hear the others snore, including Harry himself.

It's three in the night when Harry randomly wakes up. It's boiling hot inside of the vehicle and Harry really needs fresh air or he is going to vomit. He carefully jumps over Niall and walks out of the van.

He is surprised though when he sees a small figure sitting on a bench in front of the beach smoking. Who the hell is outside at this time on the beach for a smoke. And are they crying? Harry should just go back inside of the van but instead he walks up to the person. He just really can't stand if people cry, strangers aren't any different.

"Uh, excuse me... Are you okay?" Harry walks up to the person but when the moonlight catches their face, Harry's breath catches in his throat.

"Lou..." he breaths out.

"Leave me alone, Harry. It's three in the night. Go to sleep." He snaps, wiping away his tears with the palm of his hand.

"I could tell you the same. What's wrong? You're crying... And why do you smoke? You've never smoked. Louis, it's not good for you." Harry softly scolds.

"Like you care?" Louis rolls his eyes and takes another drag of his cigarette, his hand shaking like crazy.

"Of course I care, Louis." Harry whispers, heart hurting only because of Louis thinking that Harry doesn't care. "Come on, throw that cigarette away."






"Come on..."

"Fine." Louis huffs, throwing his half cigarette in the sand.

Both boys are sitting next to each other but none of them speaks. They only hear the sound of the waves smashing against the rocks. It's Louis that breaks the silence.

"You didn't have the right to sing that song." His voice is stern but Harry can hear a hint of shaking.

"It's how I feel right now, Lou. You know I sing about what I feel." Harry answers, looking at the stars shining in the sky.

"Yeah, bit late isn't it? I've been a heartbroken mess for months and you didn't even care, didn't even have the decency to explain me why I wasn't good enough for you but now that I have a boyfriend you are going to act all dramatic, playing the victim? Doesn't work with me, Styles. You were the one breaking my heart first and you shouldn't expect my empathy after what you've done to me. I never wanted this. This was your choice." Louis can't help but grab another cigarette out of his pocket and when he wants to light it up, Harry snatches it out of his hand.

"Don't be an idiot with your fucking cigarettes, Louis." Harry hisses. "It's really pathetic."

"You know what's pathetic? You being a dick to my boyfriend, not even wanting to buy him a bloody hotdog, make him twist his ankle on the beach and sing a sad break up song while you are the one who broke it off over text."

"I didn't do that on purpose earlier, Louis. And the song is just really something that I had go get off my chest, okay?"

"You know, I was going to act normal towards you." Louis says while hugging his knees to get some body warmth. "I was going to act towards you like we were friends. But then you started snapping at me and being a dick. Sorry for being selfish maybe but I still think that if there is one who has the right to be really pissed about the break up, it's me and not you. I've been calling you for months and I never got an answer. The least you could do is be nice to the person who picked up my broken pieces that were caused by you, Harry."

"I'm sorry." Harry whispers. "I really don't want to fight with you, Louis. When I broke up I didn't only lose my boyfriend, I lost my best friend as well. I lost my buddy, my fucking therapist, my partner in crime. I still haven't found that yet and I guess it's pretty hard for me to see that you did, maybe someone that's even better for you that I was." Harry can feel tears burning in his eyes and also Louis refuses to look at the curly lad besides him.

"This is not a conversation that we should have at this time of the night on a random bench in Italy while our friends are sleeping literally behind us." Louis' voice cracks and he still doesn't look at Harry. "I think that we even should go to sleep. It's late and tomorrow we're going on tour again."

"Alright..." Harry nods. "We're having this conversation later, right?"

Louis only nods and he stands up, walking towards the van.


Louis turns around and his luck of course the moon shines straight into Harry's green eyes, making them light up and Louis' heart beat faster.


"It was really nice to finally hear your voice again you knows... talking to me."

Louis blushes and looks down to hide it.

"Good night, Harry."

"Good night, Lou." 

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