27: Rome

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It's been such a busy day but here a chapter before I go to sleep.

Next chapter is 28!!!

"Are you really changing rooms, Harry?" Nick sighs when Harry is grabbing his stuff from his room.

"Yeah, I'm sorry Nick. I don't feel like moving stuff when we are already back you know. It might be pretty late." Harry zips his suitcase closed.

"I came to Rome for you, H. You were lonely and miserable according to your messages. I booked a flight, spent quite some money to stay with you and now you just move rooms?" he rolls his eyes.

"It's not like we are going to spend much time here anyway, Nick. And about the money, I paid this room you are staying in. I appreciate that you came to Rome, I really do. You are a good friend. But Louis and I are going to be back together again and hopefully soon. It's normal that I want to sleep together with the person that I'm in love with, Grimmie."

Nick's jaw clenches and nods.

"I get it. I'm only good enough when he is gone."

"Louis said exactly the same thing about you. Stop making me feel like I have to choose between the two of you, for sure you Nick because we both know who I'd pick." Harry snaps, now rolling his suitcase towards the door of the room.

"Harsh, H really harsh." Nick shakes his head. "Nice to know where I stand."

"I'm not going to have this conversation with you now. But we are going to have this conversation. You are important to me, Louis is important to me and I'm done that I'm pulled from one side to another. Now I have to bring this to my room and then we finally go out to eat. Wait for me downstairs, okay?"

"Whatever you want, right Harry?" Nick looks hurt and Harry feels guilty about it. He has been harsh towards the boy and he honestly didn't mean to, not like that.

"I'm sorry, mate." Harry lets go of his suitcase and gives him a quick hug. "I've been a bit too harsh. I just want to be honest with you. I'll see you in a bit." Nick pets Harry's back, mumbling an 'it's okay' before leaving the room as well and Harry goes to the elevator. He presses the button to the top floor because that's where they are staying, in one of the most fancy rooms. It was really a lot of money but Harry did some jobs during the year and saved some money. Louis is word every single penny he spent.

"There you are!" Louis smiles and sits down on the floor in front of the room.

"Why are you not inside, love?" Harry asks with confusion.

"You have the room key, Haz." Louis chuckles, reaching his hand out so Harry can pull him up.

"Right, give me a second." Harry looks in the pocket of his jeans shorts and takes the key card out, holding it in front of some kind of monitor waiting for the green light to appear.

"Yes, after you beautiful." Harry winks, holding the door open.

"Such a flirt." Louis bites his lip and walks into the room.

"Wow." Harry brings out. He has seen quite some hotel rooms. They went on holiday every summer with the family to some fancy all inclusive hotels in Spain and Greece. But Harry is sure that this room has already been used by famous people, if not the president of some country. It's beautiful.

"There is a jacuzzi on the balcony, Haz!" Louis exclaims. "We are so going to use that!"

Harry walks to the balcony as well and his mouth literally drops when he sees the view.

"This is amazing." He is still in awe from how beautiful everything is.

"You are amazing." Louis walks up to Harry and kisses his cheek. "Thank you so much, Harry. I can't express how much this means to me. Not the fancy room but just us sharing one. It sounds silly but..."

"Stop explaining yourself to me for everything, Lou. You're alright okay? It's me, just me. I put you first no matter what. I'm happy that you are happy." Harry kisses Louis' forehead and the smaller boy blushes.

"I'm just kind of exploring still you know. I know that you love me and I know that I love you but we haven't seen or spoken to each other in a year and that's pretty long. I don't want to cross any boundaries." Louis voice is soft and it breaks Harry's heart to hear it. There have never been any boundaries between them, never any awkwardness and Harry can't remember ever having to explore their relationship. They just kind of happened.

Harry wants to apologise for doing this to them but Louis speaks up first.

"I can read your face. Don't you dare apologise. That conversation is in the past and I only want to look forward. We'll work again, Hazza. We've always worked, always fought and always had each other's back. That's us. Now jump in my arm, princess. I'm going to carry you downstairs." Louis chuckles and Harry obeys, swinging his long limbs around Louis' neck.

"Can you still carry me, Lou?" Harry asks insecure.

"My arms are made to hold you, Harry Styles. Of course I can still carry you."


The boys are at a random restaurant that they found and they all ordered some different kind of pizza. Right now they are eating. Harry's hand is holding Louis' under the table and with the other hand he eats his pizza with vegetables.

"Oh my god, H you painted your nails. Did you lose a dare?" Nick jokes. Harry looks down but Louis isn't having that. He squeezes Harry's hand and speaks before Harry can.

"Think your mother lost a dare when she made your face." He snaps, giving him a cocky look. "And for your information, I painted his nails because painted nails make Harry beautiful. It makes him happy, he loves them and I love him. I'm not a judgemental dick like you are."

"You rude little shit. No wonder Harry broke up with you. He can get so much better than you." Nick growls.

"Well at least I don't have to dare him to let him kiss me, Grimshaw. He does that pretty voluntary." Louis rises his eyebrow and gives him an innocent smile.

"Well at least I didn't call him day in and out like a stalker, crying and begging for him to come back."

And that one hurts and Harry can feel the grip on his hand loosen.

"Mate we are hostile to welcome you on our trip for a few days then you have to respect Louis." Liam comes in between.

"Don't call him mate. I'm going to beat the shit out of you." Zayn hisses.

"H, a little help here!" Nick sighs. "Your friends are teaming up against me."

"Let's just finish lunch and go okay? I made reservations for a vespa tour anyway." Harry says softly, his thumb rubbing over Louis' hand.

"A vespa tour? That's cool!" Niall exclaims.

Harry turns to Louis and he can still see the sadness on his face. He grabs Louis' chair and pulls it closer to him so he can kiss his cheek and whisper in his ear.

"Don't listen to him, Lou. I love you, always have. Remember what you said, baby. Forget about the past okay?"

Louis gives Harry a small smile and nods, mouthing an 'I love you too'.


"We have five vespas for you." The man says with a broken English accent.

"That's cool. Louis we can switch who drives, right?" Harry smiles at the boy.

"You want to share with me?" Louis has a huge grin on his face.

"Of course, silly." Harry laughs and pecks Louis' forehead.

"Great. The tour is starting right now actually. There are already other tourists waiting for you. Just follow the guide."

The boys nod and they each go on a vespa.

And when they start driving, Harry randomly takes a turn to the left while all the others go straight forward.

"Hazza, babe you're driving in the wrong direction." Louis laughs.

Harry shakes his head and keeps driving.

"I'm not, you'll see Lou. I promise you'll like it." 

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