25: Rome

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I'm sorry I'm late with the chappie. I had important stuff to do.

bingwatch the entire season 2 from Outer Banks. No regrets. 

All roads lead to Rome, that's according to the saying. Except the road the boys are on. Normally the drive from Umbria to Rome takes around two hours and they have certainly driven that long already and they aren't even near Rome.

"This is the last time Niall reads the map when I'm driving!" Liam groans.

"You literally have a GPS on your phone, Payno. Don't blame it on the Leprechaun that you wanted to be old fashioned." Louis screams back from the backside. "Oh and I would appreciate it if you'd drive a bit carefully. I'm painting Harold's nails!"

"So sweet you bought me the nail polish, Lou. Thank you again." Harry blushes while his hand is resting on the table, a focused Louis painting his nails blue.

"Of course, love. I know you were too shy to wear it in high school but that's over now. No more judgemental pricks. Be yourself, you're amazing." Louis coos, finishing the topcoat on Harry's thumb. "I'm done, baby. They have to dry now. Want to read the comments on my Instagram? Haven't checked them yet."

Harry smiles and nods and Louis pulls the boy on his lap, kissing Harry's shoulder.

Danielle_Campbell: That's the guy you showed me, Lou! I'm so glad you're back together!

Louis chuckles and blushes.

"Who is she?" Harry asks, turning a bit to face Louis.

"Danielle, my best friend in uni. She is honestly a saint. I can't wait for you two to meet. You'll love her."

Harry only nods and they keep reading comments.

GemmaStyles: I'm not even shocked both of you did some cringe kind of wordplay. Don't be stupid now anymore, H. Good luck to you two xx

Zayn: I feel like the photographer is a really talented person and should be paid for such an artwork.

Margaret1947: Your hair is growing long, Louis. Cut it in time. Gonna have a Sunday roast when you are back home. Bring Harry, he is such a grown man now xxx grandma

Both boys laugh at Louis' grandmother and Louis makes sure to reply to her. But the good mood disappears when he sees the last comment.

Grimmie: Can't wait to see you in Rome, H! See you later, Going to be lit ;) xx

Louis' jaw clenches and he throws his phone away.

"Can't wait to see you in Rome? Harry, what the actual fuck?"

And fuck, Harry totally forgot about his arrangement with Nick and it couldn't be a worse timing.

"Lou, I totally forgot about it I'm so sorry. I wasn't hiding anything." Harry promises.

"Why is he coming to Rome? And please get off my lap so I can have a decent conversation with you?" and even though Louis wants a decent conversation, it won't be easy with the mood he's in now because Nick Grimshaw is coming to Italy especially to see his Harry.

"Look, I texted him when we were still in Milan. Everybody was against me, Louis. You were all over Marco, everybody was acting like that guy was some kind of Roman God and I just texted him that I felt really alone and he said that he could come to Rome for the weekend if I wanted."

"And you agreed?" Louis snaps.

"I was alone, Louis. I was feeling so alone. Yes I agreed. If I knew we would end up the way we are now, then I'd never have agreed but it's too late now. He is probably almost landing."

"I can't fucking believe you." Louis sighs. "From all the people in this whole fucking world you decide to invite Nick Grimshaw, to Rome?"

"I didn't have other friends!" Harry argues. "He was the only one left and I know you hate him and you are bitter that we kissed because of a stupid dare but he is my friend, Louis. He was my best friend during my last year. I would have gone mad without him."

"I was going mad without you, Harry!" Louis screams, tears finally escaping. "And her you are telling me that you would have gone mad without him. Yeah, you were clearly fine without me. As long as you have Grimshaw you're alright." Louis rolls his eyes and crosses his arms, trying to hide his hurt by sarcasm.

"You know very well that I didn't mean that, Louis. I love you! I love you with every single piece of my heart. You can't be mad because a friend of mine is coming to visit. It sounded like a good idea because you were busy with Marco anyways and otherwise I wouldn't have seen him all summer. He's a close friend and you should respect that, Lou. I don't get why you're so insecure about it."

"You're not sure why I'm insecure?" Louis squeaks. "Is that a joke, Harry? Why would I be insecure about Nick Grimshaw? Oh, let me think. Maybe because you two kissed, you invited him to Rome which I know is the most romantic city according to you, Harry and hm...what else can there be? Oh yeah... He was able to make you break up with me because of a conversation, Harry! You broke off our relationship, that was perfectly healthy for five years, because Nick told you some stuff. So why would I be insecure, huh?" Louis' face is full of tears, his blue eyes bloodshot and swollen.

"Lou..." Harry's expression softens. "I'm so sorry. I know that I've hurt you and you have the right to feel the way that you feel. I shouldn't have yelled. But you have to trust me, baby." Harry's thumb is caressing Louis' cheek.

"I can't yet..." Louis whispers. "I'm sorry, I just... Can I ask you? What have you guys planned? Because I don't believe Nick is going to hang out with us..."

"I planned to spend the one and a half day he is in Rome with him and the rest of the time with you guys." Harry whispers back.

"And where's he going to sleep?"

"I was the one who had a room by myself booked in this hotel so with me..." Harry croaks out. "But Louis he is just a friend! It's the same as I would share with Niall, I promise. I love you and again I would have never planned any of this if I knew we would be okay again."

He can literally see Louis' heart breaking in his eyes.

"So, we're going to the city of love and you're ditching me for two days and share a room with another man..." Louis isn't screaming anymore. He doesn't sound angry anymore. It's only hurt that's shown in his voice.

"Louis, I can arrange things okay. I'm going to make sure I get to spend time just with you. I want to take you out on a date in Rome, baby. I can't just ditch Nick the whole time he's there. He is coming especially for me." Harry feels so torn. He wishes he would have never texted Nick. He doesn't want to ruin anything with Louis, but losing Nick as a friend would hurt as well. He doesn't want to choose between the boy he loves and the boy that was his support during everything the last year.

"Like my boyfriend did, Harry? You know, the boy that I ditched, didn't even kiss, because it would hurt you? So I can hurt the ones that I love for you, but you can't just think a little bit about me?"

Louis shakes his head and stands up, wiping away his tears with the back of his hand.

Harry is speechless. He has never heard Louis talk in this tone. It's like needles into his heart.

"I get it Harry. How I choose you before every single person, you choose Nick." 

Who do you think is right? 

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