34: Rome

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Here  you go my loves.

These three weeks I won't update a lot because I work but after that I have three weeks of doing literally nothing so then I'll write a lot :)

"You're awake, oh my god you're awake!" Louis' eyes are all teary and he has no idea how to act. He just wants to jump in Harry's arms and hug him but obviously he can't.

"Nap took longer than I thought." Harry's voice is very raspy but he has a small smile on his face.

"I can't believe you are fucking joking about this. God, baby glad this hasn't changed anything about you." Louis walks over to Harry and kisses his forehead until he realises something.

"Oh my god I need to call the nurse! The nurse! Where's the button? Your mom is going for drinks oh my god you are awake where is the nurse? Nurse! Nurse!" Louis just starts to scream while pressing the button non stop.

"Love, calm down. I'm okay." Harry places a hand on Louis'. "The nurse will come."

"Louis my boy what is all this commoti- Harry!" Anne drops both cups of water and walks up to her son. "My boy! You're awake!" the woman is crying again and she holds her son's hand. "Are you feeling alright?"

Before Harry can answer a nurse arrives. She sends both Anne and Louis outside and calls a doctor who does several tests with Harry.

Louis has contacted the boys already and now they are all in the waiting room, waiting for the doctor with the results.

"So he literally just continued the song and made a joke?" Liam says in unbelief. Louis nods through his tears. The last week has been an emotional rollercoaster.

"Sounds like my best mate." Niall smiles with watery eyes. It has been really hard for him as well. Niall and Harry have always been inseparable but the Irish boy couldn't handle it to see his best friend like that. He was locked up in his hotel room crying and calling his mom.

"I'm just so glad he's okay." Louis sighs. "It's all I needed, for him to be okay. I love him so much and I hope he'll be able to forgive me one day."

"There's nothing to forgive Lou." Zayn shakes his head. "And I'm sure he'll just love you as much as he did before the accident. The two of you are soulmates."

Louis whispers a small thank you and an I hope you're right, but that's it. It's only when Anne says that he has to have faith that he believes it a little bit.

"I booked my flight back just now." Anne announces. "My boy is alright and I used all of my holiday. I promised my boss I would come back as soon as possible. But I know he'll be alright with you boys, for sure with you Louis. I trust you with my little boy."

"But I messed up..." Louis cries as he avoids eye contact with the woman.

"You didn't, my boy. I know you will do everything in your power to keep my son safe. You love him. I really do trust you, Louis."

"Thank you so much. I love him very much, and I love you and whole your family Anne." Louis falls into the arms of the older woman.

"You're part of our family Louis, and you know it."


It's a few hours later that the doctor comes back with papers in his hand.

"Mister Styles is fine. He'll be in a wheelchair for a little while because walking is hard after the coma but there is no physical damage done. We want to keep him here for another day to check if anything might change overnight but normally after tomorrow he is free to go with you."

"Can I go see him?" Louis gives the man automatically a pair of puppy eyes.

"Only one person at the time now. He is very tired from all the tests."

"Go on, Louis. We are going back to the hotel." Zayn smiles. "Spend some time with your boy. You deserve it."

"I love all of you, you know that right?" Louis opens his arms and hugs his three best friends. Honestly without them he wouldn't have survived all of this.

"We love you too, Lou. But I think Harry is waiting for you." Liam smiles.

"Just wait ten more minutes okay? If Harry doesn't want me near him then I'll join you guys to the hotel..." Louis whispers. He is so scared because no matter how many times everybody says it isn't his fault, it feels like it is and if Harry is the only one to realise it, he'll lose him.

"Whatever Louis. Just go." Zayn pushes him towards the door and with shaking hands Louis opens it.

And there he is, the love of his life. It hurts to see him like this in a hospital bed, skin pale, hair greasy and eyes dull.

"Hey there, Hazza." Louis speaks carefully.

"Baby..." he croaks out.

It gives Louis more confidence to get closer to the boy. He takes place on the edge of the bed.

"How are you feeling my love?"

"Tired." Harry can barely speak one word at the time and his eyes are falling closed.

"You can sleep, sweetheart." Louis looks fondly at his as he strokes his hear behind his ear. "Don't need to fight it for me. When you wake up tomorrow morning, when you open your eyes I'll still be here I promise."


"Yes darling of course I'll stay. I've slept in that chair a couple of times now." Louis jokes. "Of course I'll stay. As long as you want me, I'll stay."

"Bed." And Harry's hand moves beside him, trying to rub the spot next to him.

"Are you sure, Haz? I mean it's not a lot of space and I don't want to interrupt your sleep..."

Harry nods and gives Louis a pleading look.

And of course Louis doesn't deny him anything. He takes off his shoes and takes place in the bed next to Harry. He carefully puts his arm under his head, not wanting to touch his broken ribs. Harry grabs Louis' other hand and holds it against him like comfort.

"It feels so good to have you in my arms again, baby." Louis' tears are flowing again. "I was so scared my arms would be empty forever. I missed you so much. I'm so sorry, Haz. I let you down. I love you my angel. Please forgive me."

And Harry doesn't say a word, but he tightening his grip around Louis' hand.

It's a minute later when he recognises Harry's voice.

"I love you." 

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