"Come in" I gestured, closing the door behind her. I felt underdressed just looking her up and down.

Even when she was quite literally in an emotional crisis, she still looked utterly flawless. Her light brown hair was straightened perfectly, and she wore a light grey knit sweater and dark skinny jeans. She hesitantly stepped into the apartment, her eyes wandering around, fingers nervously twisted together.

I had her seated on the couch while I went and made some tea, and as the water boiled I rushed to Niall's room and quickly threw on some jeans and a t-shirt. The shirt clearly displayed that I had a little tummy growing, but I couldn't exactly hide my pregnancy forever. I still had my family to inform on that.

After using the washroom, I braided my hair and went back into the kitchen to make our teas. I was planning on taking a shower, but clearly that was getting postponed. Rachel was curled up on the couch, her slender legs tucked elegantly beneath her.

I set the mug in front of her on the table and she seemed to snap from a trance, her eyes darting to me, her smile warm but very forced.

As I moved to sit down, sipping my tea, I noticed her gaze lock on the slight bulge of my stomach but she didn't say anything. As I sat beside her, I knew she wanted to say something so I decided I might as well get it out myself.

"Yes," I laughed, placing my palm over my stomach. "I'm pregnant. Again."

"Wow." She smiled at me, her previous depressing posture changing. "That..that's wonderful. Congratulations."

"Thanks. I was nervous at first, but I'm doing good now. September baby this time." I smiled, rubbing my tummy lightly.

She smiled sadly, eyes still trained below. I frowned when more tears began to leak down her cheeks, and hesitantly took her hand in mine.

"Rachel, what's going on?" I asked her quietly, squeezing her fingers as she began to sob all over again.

"I made a mistake...I'm such an idiot Shay, so fucking stupid..." She half sobbed, half screamed, and I didn't know what to do. I knew I needed to comfort her, so I pulled her into my arms again and let her cry against my chest.

"I'm so stupid... Why am I so dumb, I never make good decisions..." The rest of her words were mumbled and undetectable behind all of her tears and hysterical sobs.

"Tell me what's going on Rachel, it's okay..." I encouraged, having no idea what she was rambling about. She sat back up, her entire face soaked and red from crying. I yanked a couple of Kleenex from the box behind me on the table and she nodded gratefully, blowing her nose into them. I cringed at the noise but stayed quiet.

"It's about your brother...and my boyfriend." She finally whispered, dark eyes watching her fingers as they twisted together.


She seemed to read my thoughts and slowly nodded her head. "I started dating someone my age a couple of months ago...but I, god, I kept seeing Lucas. I'm such a slut, but I just liked spending time with him and we promised to just be friends after I started dating somebody but friends led to kissing again and kissing led to us sleeping together again...I hate myself. Shay, I hate myself so damn much."

Her teary eyes seemingly pleaded with mine, encouraging me to understand. I did in a sense...I knew how Rachel was though and she was a young, party girl. She was fun and outgoing, and sleeping with my brother. Still.

I wanted to tell her that she never should of got into a relationship if she intended on continuing to see my older brother. But I kept my mouth shut, assuming she already knew this much.

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